I <3 Sakurai!


Retired Staff
Jan 2, 2006
Masahiro Sakurai said:
By the way, have you ever had an experience in which your opponent was disconnected, and the match never came to fruition? Like when you started with four players, but ended up with only one?

I don
It's a great feature. Unfortunately lots of people are complaining about it.
Bulerias said:
Koehler said:
It's a great feature. Unfortunately lots of people are complaining about it.
Yeah, I don't see what the problem is. 0_0
Exactly, however no matter what happens they are still gonna buy the game.

Why make grips about features you haven't even tried yet?
Some games on the DS already do this. It's a nice feature, but you can tell that a player has disconnected once your opponent starts to make really stupid moves.

DSCUBER9000 said:
Some games on the DS already do this. It's a nice feature, but you can tell that a player has disconnected once your opponent starts to make really stupid moves.

Well what I'm think he'll do to fix that is have a ranking system like MP:H, instead of having your record. That way if some one drops out, they will have a CPU play at that level.
I can see why some people might think this could be a bad thing, but...

Think about it. It's only one small part of a game. Let's say a game is 5 minutes and someone leaves at 4 minutes. So you're playing with a replacement for 1 min, big deal. It's not like you go online and some of the people say they're real, but are actually not.
stormcommander said:
I can see why some people might think this could be a bad thing, but...

Think about it. It's only one small part of a game. Let's say a game is 5 minutes and someone leaves at 4 minutes. So you're playing with a replacement for 1 min, big deal. It's not like you go online and some of the people say they're real, but are actually not.
That is true, however that's how the internet it. Full of lies.