I can never decide and be happy with a name


Jul 11, 2013
Tasty Cake
So of course whenever I first make a character, it's my own name. But not just for AC, for almost any site or game....I'm never happy with the name I choose. That's probably why I'm grateful for the sites that allow you to change your username whenever the hell you want - I can change whenever a name doesn't "suit" me any longer.

I don't know, I'm worried about resetting because I probably won't be happy with the name again. I know I can name the rest of my characters whatever the hell I want but for the mayor? I just...eh...

I don't have a connection with any name that I feel I can drag on with me. I'm jealous of the people who have the same username for every website/game because I just don't have that dedication lol.

Anybody else have this problem?
I just use the name that is most like my personality, aka Crazy, then I kinda just stuck with it :p
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Well I guess you could try coming up with an username, but from experience it just ''comes to you'' Like I've had the name Dinomates for a couple years now and it came to me when I was messing on a beach or something.

To be honest the coolest kind of usernames are the usernames that have a history behind them, so it sorta feel nostalgic to the person using it. So yeah.
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I have the same prob but usually when I just want to have fun, I name my character, 'Taco.'
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I always use my own name for my first character. I've only had one alt on my old town, who I named Monica. I used to have a very hard time with town names. One of the reasons I reset my first town, was that I finally had the perfect town name. (My old town name was Sapphire, I liked it, but wasn't completely happy with it) Of course I've gotten better than in the past, my first ever town on CF was named Mytown xD

Wow, wall of text alert xD. Sorry.