I can't believe I've been gone for so long.....


May 20, 2009
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User Title Color Change
I just couldn't bear the thought of never coming back here, seeing as most of my internet memories are rooted in TBT.
I've missed this place for so long.

So guys, have I missed anything, and have there been any threads about me (not like anyone would notice, anyway).
I don't think anyone even cared you were gone. No one mentioned you. I thought you were banned, which, honestly, would not have surprised me.
I came back for Halloween, expecting a little movie marathon like last year.
We're not as close-knit as we were last year. The closest communities are really the Steam community and the AC community (IMO). But I doubt there'll be a marathon this year.
I missed you.

It usually ain't the same without any good members.

Thanks, even though most of the oldies wouldn't exactly call me a good member, I've had good memories with most of the well-known people here.

A good four months, I think.
Kinda missed you even though I haven't been much on the site for a while now either.