I cant find a Tuna and its driving me crazy


Junior Member
Mar 17, 2021
Where are tunas? I sit for hours at both sides of my beach area, and all I find are sea bass. Are tuna near the bridge more? Or near the dock maybe? I feel like I am missing something. Please reply with a possible solution or even where you caught yours to give me an idea of where to be waiting for one to come in. Thank you.
You can only catch tuna on the pier
It doesn't have to be the pier on your island, it can be on the mystery island as well I believe.

Best bet is to make a lot of bait to use at the pier and eventually you will find one.

If youre not at the pier, you won't ever find one
They are only found at the pier, huge shadow.
Nevermind, literally right when I made the post I finally caught one. It was actually where I least expected it to be, on a turn in my beach on the right side in the middle of nothing. I expected it to be next to the bridge, at the dock, or near the waterfall but it was in a really weird area. Thank you though!
Congrats! I remember wanting the Coelacanth and searching for it. Then one day I didn't think about it and it happened. I feel like it happens when you least expect it. Anyway, congrats on the catch!