I got a letter from Possy Farm =D


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Red Rose
Love Ball
Pink Candy
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
They thanked me for buying their seeds and gave me the silver watering can B)
Congratulations and smelly vibrations.

Maybe you can help me with my tool guide now ;P Some people have been saying that the radius isn't actually wider and rather it makes plants survive longer or brings wilted turnips back to life, care to shine any light on this?
minimang said:
I already got that infinity minutes ago
its not new >:D
Of course you did, because you time travel all over the place. For people who don't time travel it's actually something to be partially proud of.

Anyway, let me know if you do notice anything different with it, storm.
Yeah, I got the letter a few weeks back. The radius isn't wider, it just keeps the flowers alive longer and revives wilted red turnips.
Jas0n said:
Some people have been saying that the radius isn't actually wider and rather it makes plants survive longer or brings wilted turnips back to life, care to shine any light on this?
My neighbor, Curt, was talking at me the other night about the silver can, he told me it can bring withered red turnips back to life. I got a pic of the convo, but I don't have a card reader on my machine yet, so I can't post. I don't have the can so I can't test it, either, but the in-game characters believe it to be true.
Got that a few days ago...the radius definitely isn't wider. From what I can tell all that it does is look pretty.
Well seeing as so many people are saying the radius isn't wider, I edited my guide. I'll keep it that way until something is proven.
Could it be that the wider radius is actually invisible and the water just affects all the surrounding flowers?

Mabey Storm could test this.
Biochao said:
Could it be that the wider radius is actually invisible and the water just affects all the surrounding flowers?
Possibly, although I doubt it.
I've found that it keeps flowers watered longer

the turnip thing, not so much...

and that the radius is not bigger, and if it it, it's not significant at all >.>