I have a confession to make....


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2021
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
I do very little to cultivate relationships with my villagers. lol. Which leads me to some questions. How important is it? are there any benefits to it? And, how do you go about cultivating relationships/friendships with villagers. Thanks!
That's fine. Play how you want to play. I sometimes pick and choose my villagers based on their aesthetic in comparison to my town/island's theme. There's only really a few villagers I actually have a connection with for various reasons.
It's only as important as you want it to be. The game won't punish you or anything if you don't. If you want to increase your friendship with villagers, talking to them at least once a day and giving them gifts and doing favors for them when they ask all helps. Rewards include being able to occasionally change their greeting and catchphrase, gifts from them in return, and their framed photo. There are villager friendship guides if you really want to get into it seriously, but if you'd prefer to go about it casually, then you should do that.
In the early game, it's important if you want to collect all the reactions, as each personality type has one that they'll only give you if you're at a high enough friendship level with them. Otherwise, if you're at a high enough level, you can get their picture from them.

The main way of growing a friendship is by talking to them every day, and giving them gifts they like.
I used to be really hardcore and speak to all of them at least twice a day and gifting them everyday but I got burnt out and just talk to them whenever I pass by them.
I have formed a very close friendship with a lot of my islanders but the closet is my friendship with Ed. I make sure I talk and go visit him everyday and give him gifts when I can.
Sometimes I purposefully go out of my way and don't befriend certain villagers as much as some others, mainly if I have multiple of the same personality. Having varying levels of friendship with them allows for different dialogue, and they don't feel like carbon copies of each other.
it is entirely up to you whether or not you try to build friendships with your villagers — do whatever makes you happy! however, if you do decide to give it a go, the main ways you can build friendships with your villagers are giving them a wrapped gift every day and doing favours for them (catching them a bug/fish, delivering a package, returning a lost item to them, doing a treasure hunt with them, etc). in terms of the wrapped gift, if you prefer your villagers to be ungifted without any new furniture or clothes, you can give them pieces of non-native fruit (i typically give 3-4) or giant clams (i typically give 2). if that’s not something you care about, though, there’s plenty of guides online for villagers’ preferences (their favourite colour/s and style/s) and what furniture/clothes they would like! :)
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it is entirely up to you whether or not you try to build friendships with your villagers — do whatever makes you happy! however, if you do decide to give it a go, the main ways you can build friendships with your villagers are giving them a wrapped gift every day and doing favours for them (catching them a bug/fish, delivering a package, returning a lost item to them, doing a treasure hunt with them, etc). in terms of the wrapped gift, if you prefer your villagers to be ungifted without any new furniture or clothes, you can give them pieces of non-native fruit (i typically give 3-4) or giant clams (i typically give 2). if that’s not something you care about, though, there’s plenty of guides online for villagers preferences (their favourite colour/s and style/s) and what furniture/clothes they would like! :)
hey thanks for the info, it's very helpful. 🙂
I only talk to my villagers if I run into them or they want to talk to me about something. On the odd occasion I might gift them items but it's not a priority for me unlike other game players who want to collect their villagers photos.
The upcoming update now allows villager home visits. Pretty sure friendship will be significant in getting invitations.