Thanks tips!Celeste and Wisp aren't daily npcs. They can appear any day of the week except for Saturday.
I'm trying to corral her towards Wisp to hopefully get a humorous's not going well lolOooh. I thought Wisp and Celeste cannot appear at the same time because they're like the nighttime NPCs.
I have light showers tonight and tomorrow so I hope I bump into both of them at the same time too.
yup! you can definitely have 3 special characters at a time, i remember seeing celeste, wisp, and saharah on the same day! it only happened like twice though, wish it was more often haha...didn't think it was possible but here we are.
Anybody know if it's possible to have 3 special characters at a time? ie. if Saharah happened to be visiting today.
I had Kicks earlier today but he's packed up and left already.
Celeste and Wisp aren't daily npcs. They can appear any day of the week except for Saturday.