I have finally uploaded my dream address.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2023
Red Rose
after a long while, i have finally finished (you could say) working on my town. i would not consider it 100% complete, but it is "finished" enough that i feel it appropriate to upload via the dream suite. the reason i had taken a short leave of inactivity was because i decided to spend the majority of my spare time pushing myself to work on my town. because of this, i am slightly burnt out from ACNL, therefore i may have overlooked some things in my town that certainly could be better. regardless of this, with the amount of time left between now and the online servers going down, i feel my town is complete enough for me to be satisfied with making the dream address public. i have worked on this town for a very long time, and would really appreciate it if people could enjoy it for the short while it will be available. I would also like to hear any thoughts and feedback people may have after visiting my town.

The dream address is 7D00-01FA-9796. i thank anyone in advance who takes time to visit!