Trading I have Whitney, Benjamin, Annalise, Pango, LF Tangy, Lolly, Molly, Stiches, Julian?


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
96.6% (55) +
Sooooooo as above... I really want Lolly but I need to cycle for a bit, I lost her resently.... I'm sad... so yeah make an offer..
i have a friend who is looking for whitney! i can trade you my tangy!i know i got her yesterday but i need to do the 16 villager cycle to get rosie back...
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I'm also looking for Whitney but I don't have any of your villagers you want :\ Al is moving out now, he's in boxes, but he is not very popular. I can offer you bells? I'm trying to get all wolves and only need 4 more! :)
I've seen your thread Kyoko... he's selling for 25mil plus I don't have that much
Hmm make a offer

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for Whitney

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make it quick too please!

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Music I just want you to know I don't TT anymore after loseing Lolly
I know, I hate that... My village started with really unpopular people, PS- I got Static and Phobe too
The only villager I see that im intrested In is marshal, and I doubt your giving him up xD
Lol This is a lot to ask but I'm only giving up Marshal for Julian and Stiches, He's such a cutie!

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Umm Bump?
I really want Benjamin but I don't have anyone to trade you. Are you interested in anything else?