I started playing ACNH since release using my old switch. Here comes June and my new switch (ACNH version) arrived. But I cannot transfer the save file from my old switch to the new one so for the mean time I let my little sister play ACNH on my new switch with her own save/island while waiting for cloud save back up.
So today, since I really wanted to play using my new switch, I backed up to latest my save file on my old switch (using island back up, enabled since release) and reformatted it. Then transferred my little sister’s island from my new switch to the old switch using island transfer tool.
After transferring, I reformatted the new switch and redownloaded the ACNH to play my island with it. To my knowledge I thought I can easily download my island thru cloud by contacting Nintendo. But they said they cannot find my island back up. Tried two agents and they gave the same response. The most probable thing that happened is that my little sister’s island overwritten my island since the island back up is console-linked not nintendo account-linked. I lost hope.
Every time I remember I completed so many things (high friendships with villagers, collected all DIYs, cataloged all furnitures, collected all non-orderable items, completed museum etc.) my heart crushes.
Help me find my motivation to play again this game. Will reply soon as I wake up. I just want to vent this out. I will miss my island. Now i’m crying to sleep.
edit: jwu. Thank you guys for the encouragement and help. I think i will follow your advice that i must step back for a while since the pain is still fresh. Will start my island again soon once im emotionally ready.
holy crap thats like the saddest thing ive ever heard ;-;
so sorry this happened to ya brother nintendo can sure be kinda weird at times
nothing like this has happened to me, but when i got my new island and stopped playing on the old one i was still a bit sad ig, and i guess i got over the sadness by telling myself the new island would be better than the last, i would enjoy re-experiencing the tutorial, etc.
Well, if you had any design idea's for an island that you couldn't bring yourself to demolish your island to do, now's the time. And this site is brilliant for completing collections - there'll be someone who can help you recollect things in record time.
Don't lose hope dude.
I'm so sorry this happened, this is one of my fears! it might be best for you to take a step back from the game for a while since the loss is so fresh, but definitely when you decide to start up a new island there are so many people on this forum who would be willing to help get you back on your feet. this could end up being a positive - it gives you the chance to start afresh with your knowledge from your hundreds of hours (ouch) of playing
I have a whole bunch of diys covering my beach. If you restart, send me a message and I'll bring them over. This is such a supportive group I'm sure you can get all kinds of help. And remember, it won't take you another 1000 hours to rebuild because you know so much more now than when you originally started.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had a recent scare and thought my game was gone. I had over 1000 hours and thought about all the progress I had made over the last 8 months. I didn't think I had the heart to start over, but my daughter helped me decide to restart. She reminded me of how fun it is when you first start a new game. New villagers, map,etc. She said she would save her recipes and help me get certain items. It really helped, and I thought of a new town name and theme. I wondered who would be living in my New town.
My game ended up being ok, so I didn't have to restart afterall. If you start over, don't hesitate to ask me for help with recipes, furniture, fruit, etc.
I think i have every (almost) DIY recipe on my island including lots of seasonal ones. I'll keep them save for you and an eye on this thread! Please throw out your frustrations and hopefully you'll forget this soon! XXX Savi
I can't imagine how frustrating and upsetting it is to put so much time into a game like Animal Crossing and then it's just...gone. I'm really sorry this happened. I refuse to mess with save files or island transfer because I am paranoid. This confirms why I should leave that stuff tf alone. I hope people on here will help you with DIYs, materials, items etc when/if you decide to restart. I know I'm willing to help!
My heart hurts for you. Loss of an object (whether physical or not) hurts. If the thought of starting over feels too much right now, then please take a break.
When the pain becomes more bearable (I know that it will eventually), reminisce over the good times. The ideas and goals that you’ve accomplished. Perhaps look at old screenshots.
After that...well....comes acceptance and moving forward. Forward can be restarting your new island with hours of experience under you belt, or you can try new ideas. Or moving on to a new game.
I’m sorry if what I’m saying isn’t helpful at all. So...I’ll just leave you with a quote (idk who said it originally) that I told my mom when we lost our house a few years back, “and the question is, is it better to have had and lost better than not having at all?”
I'm so sorry, friend. I agree with others; it's best to grieve and reminisce. It's okay to feel sad and frustrated for losing something you spent a lot of time and energy on. And it's more than okay to take a break.
I had probably 800 or so hours in my first New Leaf town when I accidentally deleted the save data from my SD card. Incidentally, I ended up joining The Bell Tree forums soon after. I guess I wanted to vent about it. You are more than welcome to vent here.
It may take a while before you're ready to play or dedicate as much energy to it as you did, but finding the motivation again is possible. I think playing with others more often, whether your little sister or friends on here, could be fun. Sometimes running around with a friend in Animal Crossing is all you need. I would forget all about the insecurities I had about my town and just goof around. You deserve some relief. You can also see if playing a different game, or devoting time to another hobby, helps you take a breather from the game. You will eventually find yourself more at peace. It may take a while, but I promise it will happen.
Never hesitate to reach out to us for help or for fun.
I am so sorry to hear this! That sounds awful. I have a catalog island you are welcome to visit to increase your new catalog. It doesn't have every single item but it has the best ones. You can spend as long as you'd like on it in a free private session just DM me if you're interested and we can set up a time.
wow, that really blows! look on the bright side - you can experience the fun of NH all over again! i have thoughts of restarting all the time but never do it. after a certain point of playing, you really do run out of things to do.
My heart goes out to you. That’s unfortunate that happened but once you find the motivation to play again, you can add different things and try new things this time around. Sorry this happened to you.