Senior Member
This so far, outside of the more storage, but having access to Cyrus has been the highlight of the update for me. I've taken so many things to him to get customized.
The not needing to store multiples has been a huge help. Yes, we got more storage, but I still hate scrolling for days to find things.Seriously, he's amazing. Such a useful and productive King. I love that I didn't have to trade on the forums for every colour of the gazebo and wisteria trellis (I forget what the less-fancy sounding NH name for it is). I love not having to store specific colour variants of items in my inventory on the off chance I want to use them. I can just customize the same one over and over. Cyrus is really one of the best parts of the update.
they were my first unlock too, was so excitedYes adding him is one of my favorite things about this update. Being locked behind one color wasn't working for me anymore. I am in thr middle of paying to get him and Reese on Harv's Island. They are the first shop I'm unlocking so I can get my colorful jungle gym.