I made my first own signature! Need some opinions (+FREE signatures)


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2018
Red Rose
White Rose
White Tulip
Red Rose
White Rose
AAA I'm so proud of myself xd I FINALLY managed to make my first OWN signature :D But I could use some practice though, because it isn't amazing. Send me a PM, and I'll make a signature for you for FREE as practice! But here is the signature I've made:

View attachment 221135 (idk why the quality is so bad and why the squares are showing up halp)

And please give me some feedback if you can :) And how do I remove these attached images? I'm so bad at this lol
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It looks really nice! All I would recommend is to darken the text color of the "Trick or treat" as the bottom is a bit hard to read, also to make the "Time zone: CEST" and "Friendcode" lowercase of choose a less novelty font, as the letters bunch together making it hard to read. Overall, the rest looks perfect and very cute! Good job! :)
It looks really nice! All I would recommend is to darken the text color of the "Trick or treat" as the bottom is a bit hard to read, also to make the "Time zone: CEST" and "Friendcode" lowercase of choose a less novelty font, as the letters bunch together making it hard to read. Overall, the rest looks perfect and very cute! Good job! :)

Thanks <3
Basically what Taiga said, and yeah use a more minimalistic font and darker colour on it; it takes over the image and the fonts outside the image looks like someone played with Text in the old MS paint or such. But yeah I love what you did to the image and in general :) The square chess thing is the invisible areas, you need to save it properly with transparent background and the correct file format.

Re attachments, go https://www.belltreeforums.com/profile.php?do=editattachments here and delete them.
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