I need advice..


Deleted User

Good time of day

People, im just a boy, and searching myself in this life, so i want to find anything what i will like.. hobby may be or somthing like that...
May be anybody can advice something to me?









Thank you for your attention
Hmm.... This is a tough question. I would say anything that you are good at and like. If you are bad at drawing but you want to get better make that your hoby.
I would try joining a club, group, or just some friends that have the same interstests. You find yourslef having lots of fun and meeting new people in the process.
Fanghorn said:
I would try joining a club, group, or just some friends that have the same interstests. You find yourslef having lots of fun and meeting new people in the process.
hmmm thats hard, do something that you like... and umm... yeah
I know! Try juggling! It teaches patience, is noncompetitive, and is entertaining and fun!
I've been juggling for about 2 months now, and I'm quite good. I strongly suggest Juggling. :yes:

(By the way everyone, I can now juggle 4 bean bags/juggling balls!)
I would say, maybe spend time with friends, get together and do stuff you both like. Having someone to do stuff with always makes time fly. :yes: