I need Friends!

Jun 22, 2013
Hey i was wondering if anyone could add me because i think it would be really fun to play together. I've had the game for 7 days only but i know my way around it. My codes 0361-6204-7411. I hope too see you in game! :D
Welcome Astro, this belongs in the Introductions! We'll see about getting it moved over there okay? Welcome!
Opps sorry! I posted something like this straight after this one on that board.Sorry about that! Thanks for the warm welcome :) Also could you add me?
Hey there, Astro. n_n It's a pleasure to meet you! I'd love to add your FC; my code is 2036-7257-3388. Add me anytime!
Sure I'll add you:). My friend code is 2148-9044-5639. I'm playing A LOT so PM me if you want to play together and we can open the gates:).