I need someone to come over with an axe...


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2008
I really need to get rid of these stupid trees that are in the middle of my path. Stupid Nook hasn't had an axe the past two days... Will someone come over with an axe? Actually, I'll probably need more than one (unless you have a golden/silver axe)... We could have a tree chopping party! lol And you'll get to be the first to see my town path in person!
Soz, I would, but I can't, WiFi doesn't allow me to go to other ppl'z towns =/ Soz.
and I can do my broadcast for Ustream
You didn't watch Storm,Sock, or me well it's like live youtube kinda thing
It's a live streaming video broadcast like TV except on the computer!
AverageSean said:
You didn't watch Storm,Sock, or me well it's like live youtube kinda thing
I watched about a minute of it, but there was nothing going on, lol. Besides, the super bad quality made my eyes hurt. XP
ehh what ever I added you if I am even coming
AverageSean said:
ehh what ever I added you if I am even coming
I said you can come, lol. My gates are open.

Anyone else can come, too! Preferably with an axe, lol.