I need to visit a town for a petition


Retro Braniac
Nov 16, 2008
Yellow Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Blue Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
100% (6) +
update july 2nd, 2013 @ 11:29am CST

For some reason the petition turned to 'scrap paper' so it is no longer in use.


It is something about book reading, and i need six more signatures from animals of another town, or possibly 2... but no one is online with my list right now. Is anyone online to allow me to do this? >>; Please?
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I would like it if you would come tosee me in my town soon friend code is 2852-6834-6490 from mom36
"Readers for more books"

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I would like it if you would come tosee me in my town soon friend code is 2852-6834-6490 from mom36

Thank you ^_^ I'll add you right away.

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Added. Now to see if your gate is open. ^.^

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Open your gate please.
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Is someone else visiting your town, or are you in a sub-menu? Im getting the code error "018-0511"
It says on nintendo's page that your 3DS could be fire-walling my 3DS from entering your town. o.o;

Error Code: 018-0511

This error code typically indicates an issue communicating and matchmaking with other players.
This is often caused by network firewalls blocking necessary network traffic.
This can be caused by your network, or the network of the person you are connecting with. If these steps do not resolve your connection issue, have your friend try them as well.

You can visit me vampiricrogue. I've added you. :) Will open gates in a few.

My paper turned to scrap paper -.-; Joy, love this game (sarcasm)

But i loved your town. It made me laugh so hard to read your message board. Thank you, i needed that. ^_^