I never thought I'd be so in love with bulldogs...


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Silver Mailbox
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Pink Hybrid Lily
So I went with my future mother in law yesterday to pick up the 11 week old bulldog puppy she adopted from a breeder (he was very knowledgeable, quick to answer questions we had, and was one of the most responsible pet owners I'd ever met), and before then, I never thought I'd be a bulldog person. But I am. I reaaaally am. I love his smooshed up little face, and the tiny little tail he has (it wasn't nubbed like some bulldogs' tails are), and I forgot how much I love puppy smell x3 I'm babysitting him for the next 3 days, and helping to potty train him, and I'm having so much fun!!!

He's one big ball of cuteness, and he even got one of their other dogs (a yorkie that had a traumatic encounter with a territorial rottweiler) to play again after years of being skittish and withdrawn.

Also, I never thought I'd meet an animal that snores louder than my cat, but this puppy does xD He's napping right now and snoring really loud <3 After seeing this little guy, I'm determined to have my own bulldog one day! It won't be for a while, which is why I'm spoiling this one as much as possible!

So, does anyone else really like bulldogs? :D Were your surprised at how much you liked them? Have you felt like this about other breeds?
Cuuuuuutenessssssss ♡♡♡♡I can only imagine the nnnghh moment you had c: congrats on your baby!♡ I haven't gotten close to a bulldog but I do have a pit bull o: he's great cx

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And I've got well 6 dogs so cx yeah I feel I Ike that all the time cx agh such a handful though