I now regret not getting a 3DS sooner!


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2015
Christmas Candy
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Tin Robot
Daisy Easter Egg
Hello, everyone! Let me introduce myself: my name's Brianna.

I've been playing Animal Crossing ever since the Gamecube game - my friend invited me over, I played it and thought it was INCREDIBLE, and so I begged my parents to get me a Gamecube (my first-ever gaming system, so it was a difficulty enough convincing them) so that I could play AC. When AC:WW came out, I knew I had to have it, and so I bought it then. Same thing with City Folk (although I play that one a lot less, because the Wii isn't as portable/convenient).

But when the Animal Crossing game for the 3DS came out, I didn't exactly feel like buying another system JUST to play Animal Crossing (I don't really like any of the other games for the 3DS, even today). I also thought I was maybe a little too old to be playing video games. Buuut I just got a bonus at work, and since the price of the 3DS has deflated significantly, I finally bought a used 3DS and a new version of New Leaf as a birthday present to myself. Well, and to my twin; we share the 3DS, and the town (named, very fittingly, "Twinleaf").

Can I just say that I am absolutely loving it? I regret not shelling out the money for it earlier, as most of my friends that previously played it have moved on... but no worries, as I'm psyched to join a community like this, with plenty of New Leaf players! :)
Welcome to TBT. There's plenty of people here for you to make friends with ^^
I'm with you... all my friends were talking about it when it came out but no one is really playing any more. Luckily there are these communities to keep the game going! Broadens horizons too. I also joined today, but welcome~
Welcome to TBT :)
I hope you enjoy your time here!
I'm in the same exact boat. Just got my 3DS yesterday!
Welcome welcome.
If you'd like a friend don't hesitate to send a message my way.