I really want a signature banner! Please?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2012
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Hi! So I really want a signature banner! Can someone please make me one for 500 bells? Thanks!

Info on it:

3DS Friendcode: 4382-2110-0795

Lucy Heartfilia (from Fairy Tail)
Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Info in between them

Any Background is fine :) Thanks in advanced
Can you provide the images you'd like on the signature? I'll take a crack at it.
I would say I'd give it a try, but once m12 posts, you know his sigz r srz business.

So i'll let him do this one, unless you want me to give it a try
I would say I'd give it a try, but once m12 posts, you know his sigz r srz business.

So i'll let him do this one, unless you want me to give it a try

Ummmmmmm I don't care if you want to try. If you do, it'd be fine, but if you don't, I wouldnt be heart broken. I'm just gonna choose the one that I like best at the end! Soooooooo ya! Thanks:)
Ummmmmm I'm no good at Signature banners.
Toshiwoshi and a few other nice people made the ones that I use for me.
Do you have a deadline for when you want it? I started it then GIMP was like "lol" and crashed :\
I took a shot at it. Here's mine:


I hope you don't mind that I didn't use the picture given for Lucy, I just thought that these pictures matched in artistic style better.

Hope you like it! ~<3

I LOVE the one that you made! :) I'm gonna wait to see the other ones to see which I like best though! :) Thanks!
I love the name "Miss anonymous" just posting it and leaving haha

On topic, almost done (by almost i mean should be done in a few days)
I might have to start having contests for signature artists.
LOL! Alot of them are so good at what they do!
Miss Anonymous was the one who did my current sig-banner I think...... If I am remembering correctly.
I shall have my submittion in by today, hopefully. If I don't have many patients today, I should be leaving work early, so here's hoping.