I sent a letter with a piece of fruit and got


Deleted User

Has anyone had any items like this given to them? I about died from laughter when I displayed the item in my house.

My villagers just give me wallpaper and stuff nobody wants. :rolleyes:
I do that to make money. I sent them fruit, then they send something better back, which I sellto Nook, unless I want it. I didn't know there were toilets in ACWW.
I send big furniture that I don't like or is not very valuable. So it can take up space in their house for room to take up and they send a goodie back.
OMG! That's hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: My neighbors just give me round carpets... <_<
I send flowers that I steal from random places. Now I am going to send some seashells I scavaged from the seashore. :wacko:
I've shot 2 men's toilets down in balloons. 0_0.... and I'm a girl, too.

I then ran screaming to the store to sell them. :lol:
LOL!!! -thinks about wanting a womans toilet and gets boogly eyes

:blink: - Thats funny. Its like, "Its raining.........TOILETS!!! AHHHH!"