I suppose greetings is in order!


Jan 4, 2014
Oh- Uh- Hello there! I've been hearing of The Bell Tree Forums for some time and decided, it was high time I joined~ From what I've seen, everyone looks so friendly and I'm very excited to join.

My name's Bluey! I write things, play video games and watch obsessive tv shows. I've been playing Animal Crossing since Game Cube, but skipped out on City Folk. (I still need to play it... Once I find a copy that is... ^^; ) And- New Leaf has me hooked again... And I'm rambling on and I have no idea how else to introduce myself other than this.

I- um, I'm open to anything! Trading villagers, visiting towns, etc.

Well then- I guess I'll see you all around!
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Welcome to the forums. c:
Thank you so much!! ^U^
[so many people have already become my friends, this is so awesome~]
Welcome to TBT, Bluey! We're a pretty friendly forum, you'll make friends very easily. We've got boards for discussing AC and trading villagers/items, and some boards for other games, forum games and plain discussion.

Oh, and this site has a slight Mafia obsession.... you'll find that in the Basement.