I wanna say some things now,

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
All right, very recently, there have been a huge, growing amount of spam threads. Spam is a useless post that does not pertain to the subject of the conversation or a random post with absolutely no point to it. They are getting very annoying, so stop. And a note to the spammers: If you complain about people flaming you or hating, then STOP SPAMMING!

Something else that should stop is the "Bring _________ back!" or "Unban ________!" The admins/mods aren't gonna unban the person because someone says so. They're just doing their job. Sure it's a nice gesture, but it's not going to help, it's just going to raise your warning count and po the admins/mods.

Another thing: please use proper grammar. I know it's the internet and it shouldn't matter, but when everyone else says it matters, then it matters. Plus, it gets annoying and it's hard to read when you type like this: "sO d0 yOu w4nt 2 p1ay 4 g4m3?" or hey, "cn i txt u in a bt, im bord nd i ned sumon 2 tak 2" No I understand not a lot of people do that, but some do. And I know that some like to type fast, but go through your post after you're done and check to make sure your sentences are coherent and your words are understandable and readable. If you want to, download firefox, it has spell check. You might be thinking "But Alfred, it's too much human effort to drag my mouse all the way to the url box and type in the url!" fine, here's the link: Firefox and for those of you not in the US, google firefox.
Then you might be saying: "But Alfred, I don't have enough energy to download it!" Oh yes, cause it takes so much human effort to click the mouse.

Something else to keep in mind, read the rules before posting if you're new to the board. It will save you and everyone else a lot of grief - meaning we won't have to deal with your "against the rules" posts/threads. Also, if you say you didn't know it was against the rules, you will get flamed even more! The rules are there to help, it only takes about three minutes to understand the basis of the rules. If you don't know where they are, go here: http://forums.the-bell-tree.com/boardrules/

And one last thing: Read what the staff posts in the announcement board every now and then. Like what DarthGohan posted, read it.

Thanks for reading,
~Alfred (a.k.a Bacon Boy)
Yeah... computer language and spam bothers me to the extreme. Thank you ever so much for making this thread.
OMGz d0nt 3v3n d4r3 sk1t m33 4 my l4ngu4ge lyk.
But yeah. Listen to this dude, he's a genius.
I don't think TBT will "go to hell", at least anytime soon. TBT's had its moments, and its gone through some rough times, too. I've been here nearly 4 years... and I remember my first year or two year overall the posts were really good quality. Probably better than they ever will be again. Of course there was spam, there always will be, no matter what forum you go to. I think during the drought between after AC:WW's release when the hype died down and before the months leading up to AC:CF's release is when TBT's overall post quality was at its worst. In the past few months I think TBT's been on a sort of a rebound, since it seems like more people are like you, BaconBoy, and care about the quality of the content at TBT. The only way it will keep improving is if people are active, people make good posts, and people deal with spam the right way - by ignoring it... if no one replies to spam, it will eventually die down.