I want to learn this song on the piano but I have 2 problems :L

Yui Z

Free hugs xoxoxo
Jun 15, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Waluigi Easter Egg
Red Feather
Red Candy
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Hey so I really wanna learn 'let it go' from on the piano - link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYFy7IXJDd8

But I have 2 problems:
1.) I don't have a full sized piano at the moment since there isn't enough room in the house
2.) I think my fingers are too short to reach multiple notes at some points xD

I had the exact same problem when learning the more complex version of 'moonlight densetsu' from sailor moon >.< which is really starting to get annoying... I suppose problem #1 can be solved when someone in my family moves round the corner from me some time this year since they have a piano (will be spending a lot of time there ~hehe) but does anyone - preferably someone who plays the piano and possibly is a high grade in it - have a solution to problem 2???

I don't have a piano teacher either - self taught myself - so I can't exactly ask them aha :S
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There are piano apps in the iphone where you can play freely i think. Dunno about the android though
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I used to play the piano, so some solutions:
1) keep on playing, your fingers will eventually mold to it
2) if it's just informal playing you can just roll your hand over the notes
3) if you use the pedal, you can get away with skipping a last note
And your hands will grow :p
I used to play the piano, so some solutions:
1) keep on playing, your fingers will eventually mold to it
2) if it's just informal playing you can just roll your hand over the notes
3) if you use the pedal, you can get away with skipping a last note
And your hands will grow :p
Thank you haha but I don't really understand what you mean by 'rolling your hand over the notes' - I mean I understand if it's multiple notes one after the other but a bit confused since it's holding multiple notes which are far away from each other at the same time that I can't do D:
Ah I mean like a chord :p
Eeeeeee my bad :p I badly want to buy a proper full sized piano... I'm sick and tired of finding songs I wanna learn to play and then realizing I don't have enough keys/notes to play it -.- but of course we don't have space in my tiny house ehehe

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thanks for the help though ^-^
For problem number 2, do you have problems making wide chords or do you have problems reaching the flats? My fingers are shorter than average people my age too but I don't have any of those problems ^^. If it's the first one you need to do finger stretching exercises when you can - when riding the bus to school, when being bored someplace else, etc.

Also, since you're self taught, you may be making the same mistake many self taught piano players do, and that is to play the piano with three fingers only. If that's the case, you can do pretty much any chord once you can use all your 5 fingers to make chords.

If it's the second one, you can always place your fingers much higher in the keys than playing with the tip of your fingers. You need to do more pressure when playing this way but it isn't much, and it's much, much better to play it like that rather than with the tip of your fingers in the long run.

I have been playing the piano for 6 years now so I hope my advice can be useful ^^.
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My fingers are regular length (I think anyway :L) and I'm pretty flexible, it's just I find it difficult stretching my fingers in awkward positions when playing the piano - it just makes it harder to actually play the notes at full speed. You've given me some good advice so thank you very much x3 I'll be able to use that for sure ^^