Gracie has only come to my town once and has decided that I'm not worthy of anymore visits from her and I want to have a look around t&t emporium so if anyone has any spare time on their hands I'd love to come visit it!
I think I deleted your card by mistake, I can add you again. My friend code is 3024-7224-8386.Ooh sure! I think I have your fc, right?
Oh, then that was a mistake of mine, the gates are open.I am still friends with you, but just in case my fc is 4442 - 5665 - 8961
There is a trick that I found out on my own the first time I did the Gracie fashion Check. What I did is when she first came to my plaza, after I passed her fshion check or failed it. I time traveled back a day and time traveled a day forward to the day she came by the plaza. And that counts for passing her check already and a chance for another round. So when I speaked to her when I time traveled a day forward, she acted like it was ages since the last time I saw her, when it wasn't xD So yeah just keep doing that and you will pass 2 more fashion checks so you can unlock that store! If you ever need help for needing certin clothes, then let me know!Thank you for letting me visit!