Duo species island sounds like a great idea actually!I have two wolves and eight dogs on my island. I’d have ten dogs, but I wanted a certain color scheme. The wolves are just the leaders, and they are the closest things to dogs in-game. It didn’t get boring. I loved my set of villagers. You should get villagers you want and not worry about personality or species. Think: I like Lolly but I can’t have her because she’s not a dog. In my opinion, this isn’t a good mindset to have. If you want a singular species island, choose villagers in that species you like. You can also go for a duo species island, having two different species.
I've never considered having an all one-species island before, but thinking about it, I have two elephants on my island, and they're my favorites. They're just so sweet and very weird. I always laugh after reading what they say. I have an ocotopus, and while she's very sweet, she squicks me out looking at her.Players with one species island… Is it fun to have one species island? I mean, does it get boring with the time to not get variety of species?
In AC: NL, I alternated between having an all penguin Island and an all cat island!I had an all penguin island for awhile and loved it. I thought at one time of having an all duck island. I will go back to an all penguin island eventually but wanted to see different villagers first.