I wish HHA let you actually wander around in the neighborhood.


Part of your imagination
Jun 20, 2016
It's been a while since I've been here!

Anyway, I've had Happy Home Designer for a few weeks now, and there's one feature I wish the game had...

You're really only allowed to walk through the business district of your town. If you dare try to wander on that road inbetween the hotel and Nook's Homes, it says you have to go to a neighbor through the Clients List.

I think this removes an opportunity for exploration. You could have the ability to wander through the neighborhood, and visit client houses from there. Or you can use the Client List. The game could give you a prompt when you go through that road, like "Do you want to use the Client List?"

This feature would probably be available once you've built a decent amount of houses (somewhere between 20-50).

Anyone with me?

PS; this weird thing happened. Frita moved out of my town yesterday, and now she's in Happy Home Designer. :p
Agh yes! I feel like that would work if the 3DS could process a really big custom open world game! I wish that there was a HUGE space of land where you could place houses and everyone's game is different. Hopefully if they make a Happy Home Designer 3.0/HHD 2, that would happen.
I so totally agree with both of you!

I adore ADORE town building more than house building. I didn't even know that I felt that way until I played HHD and wanted a larger area to design their yards.

Being stuck with fences I feel fenced in. It feels claustrophobic to me with all the villager houses in HHD.

Give me big open spaces. Give me room to build the landscape of an entire neighborhood - even more, or different than New Leaf!

I look at the large map of lot choices in HHD and I keep wanting to walk through the forest, near the train tracks...down to the cactus, up to the beaches, and around to the top of the map in the mountains. I'd love to walk around all day!!
I didn't even know it could do that?
Eh, I need to explore more. I've never really taken the time to do anything on HHD other than design homes, lmao
Yes, the title is Happy Home Designer. But still, I was expecting some town building, to keep this game appealing for me. Unfortunately, I think the final product was on the lacking side, focusing so much on house building it forgot about the actual TOWN they lived in.

For example, I had plenty of fun designing the businesses; why can't we have more?