Ideas for Anvance Wars


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2004
Here's my idea: the NeoArtillery. It has movement range of 7, a vision range of 3, a maximum fuel capacity of 70, and maximum rounds for primary and secondary weapons 6 and 9, respectively. It's primary weapon is the long-range cannon. It can fire 2-7 spaces away and has the attack power between a tank and a Md tank, more toward a Md tank. It's secondary weapon is the Neo cannon, the same as that on a NeoTank. It is used for direct combat, and has the power of a NeoTank. Both weapons can fire upon any unit except air units. It has armor strength between that of a Md tank and a NeoTank. It can also fire it's long-range cannon on the same day it makes movement, making for one heck of an attack range. It's movement type is "special". It can't move on mountians, but moves on shores, plains, roads, bridges, cities, factories, airports, ports, HQs, and missile silos at a movement cost of one. It has the same trouble as any tread based vehicle through woods, it's movement cost through them is 2. Now, here's the amazing part. It can be floated on water. It can move through and park on rivers, however it has a movement cost of 2 on them. It can also move in the sea, but it must enter the sea from a shore, much like land units can only board landers from the shore. On the sea, it has a movement cost of 2, and in reefs, it has a movement cost of 3. It also has the ability to supply other units, just like an APC can, and also has the ability to carry two units, though infantry and mech are the only ones that can be loaded in the thing. However, the passengers can only disembark when the Neo Artillery is on anything but sea or reef. It can be deployed from either ports or bases. This is a great unit, but such greatness comes at a high, high price: 50,000 G per unit.
I like that! If they do anything to that game though, i would like more units. You can only have 50. MAybe if they gave you like a 100 or something that would be different.

Neo Fighter:
The neo fighter has a movement range of 13 and a vision of 5. It has a stock of 13 and fires missiles as its primary attack. The missles can reach for 3 spaces, but the ighter has to be fighting that way. These missiles are just ar missiles. Its attack power is more than one of eagles fighters. The neo fighters secondary attack is machine gun. Theres a machine gun in the back where the co-pilot fires from. This can be targeted at anything in the range of 2. This unit also costs lots of money...50,000G
BASTOISE99 said:
I like that! If they do anything to that game though, i would like more units. You can only have 50. MAybe if they gave you like a 100 or something that would be different.

Neo Fighter:
The neo fighter has a movement range of 13 and a vision of 5. It has a stock of 13 and fires missiles as its primary attack. The missles can reach for 3 spaces, but the ighter has to be fighting that way. These missiles are just ar missiles. Its attack power is more than one of eagles fighters. The neo fighters secondary attack is machine gun. Theres a machine gun in the back where the co-pilot fires from. This can be targeted at anything in the range of 2. This unit also costs lots of money...50,000G
There was on thing I forgot to mention with the NeoArtillery. It can be deployed from bases and ports. *edits post*

Yeah, maybe they should give 100 units in two player battles. It's just as much data as a four player battle with 50 units each!

I kinda understand, but not completely. So, this is like a fighter, but with indirect firing capabilities and better stats? Also, you forgot one thing, fuel. What's the maximum fuel?

I think I'm gonna change this to just simply "Ideas for Advance Wars".
Don't ya think I should move this to the DS section since there will be an Advance Wars DS?
A few ideas I've had for a while:

Over 10 HP: Why can't units go over ten HP? You could group them up to 100! Sure, they're DEPLOYED at ten HP, but you could join them later to go to 20, 30, and even more. All that's needed is is colored HP numbers, or other symbols.

Split: You can join, why not split? You command a unit to stay where it is, you can choose a split command, where you take the unit and make it into two, each with half the HP the first did. Then you must move one or both of them somewhere, and command them as if they never were split. Imagine how useful this could be using Sami's Victory March.

Move again: If you don't use the entire movement range for a unit, why not get the ability to move it again later! Say you wanted to have an Infantry unit board a T Copter, but it's one space too far. Using this, you could move the T Copter one pace closer, load the Infantry, and move the T Copter out of danger. Firing for any unit ends it's turn, however.

And here's ad idea I just cooked up: Multi-turn CO powers: Hey, you have your SCOP charged completely up, but you don't want to use it yet. Why not keep charging, and if you charge enough to use it twice, you can use it for two turns straight! Could be very useful as Sonja.
Stealth Bomber
Description-A normal bomber with stealth abilities. It can hide from enemy view until it fires or is detected by a radar.
Type-Direct Combat Unit
Fires On-All ground and sea units
Fuel-99/99;Burns 3 per day normally, and 6 when stealthed
Weapons-Large payload of bombs.
Secondary Weapons-None
Movement Range-7 normally, 5 when stealthed

Stealth Fighter
Description-A normal fighter with stealth abilities. It cam hide from enemy view until it fires of is detected by a radar.
Type-Direct Combat Unit
Fires on-All air units
Fuel-99/99; Burns 3 per day normally, and 6 when stealthed
Weapons-High-powered air-to-air missiles
Secondary Weapons-Gatling gun
Movement Range-9 normally, 7 when stealthed
Here's my idea: the NeoArtillery. It has movement range of 7, a vision range of 3, a maximum fuel capacity of 70, and maximum rounds for primary and secondary weapons 6 and 9, respectively. It's primary weapon is the long-range cannon. It can fire 2-7 spaces away and has the attack power between a tank and a Md tank, more toward a Md tank.
Well, Rockets are already more powerful then Md. Tanks, so it waould be a little weak on the indirect part.
i'm getting it definetly. My neo fighter also it burns 4 fuel a day, and has 99/99 fuel...unless the raise the total.
Don't ya think I should move this to the DS section since there will be an Advance Wars DS?
Well, you can do that. I don't mind at all, as long as it's somewhere!

:<_>: You know what I just thought? Why call it Advance Wars DS? Why not just DS Wars? Oh, corny name. lol

PIKMIN042 said:
Stealth Bomber
Description-A normal bomber with stealth abilities. It can hide from enemy view until it fires or is detected by a radar.
Type-Direct Combat Unit
Fires On-All ground and sea units
Fuel-99/99;Burns 3 per day normally, and 6 when stealthed
Weapons-Large payload of bombs.
Secondary Weapons-None
Movement Range-7 normally, 5 when stealthed

Stealth Fighter
Description-A normal fighter with stealth abilities. It cam hide from enemy view until it fires of is detected by a radar.
Type-Direct Combat Unit
Fires on-All air units
Fuel-99/99; Burns 3 per day normally, and 6 when stealthed
Weapons-High-powered air-to-air missiles
Secondary Weapons-Gatling gun
Movement Range-9 normally, 7 when stealthed
You forgot costs! In my opinion, they should each be about 8,000 G more than their non-stealthed counterparts, but they're your idea, you come up with the prices.
PIKMIN042 said:
Here's my idea: the NeoArtillery. It has movement range of 7, a vision range of 3, a maximum fuel capacity of 70, and maximum rounds for primary and secondary weapons 6 and 9, respectively. It's primary weapon is the long-range cannon. It can fire 2-7 spaces away and has the attack power between a tank and a Md tank, more toward a Md tank.
Well, Rockets are already more powerful then Md. Tanks, so it waould be a little weak on the indirect part.
But the range more than makes up for it. It can fire them up to 14 (!!!) spaces away, compared to rocket's 5, or 8 with Grit's SCOP. I knew the rockets had the power of a Md tank in indirect form.
PIRANHA2 said:
...what is advance wars anyway? im guessing its an RPG?
RPG? HAH! That's the FARTHEST from correct you can possibly get! Anyway, it's one of the best strategy games to ever hit the shelves. It's turn-based, and slightly unrealistic, but most of the stuff in the game could be done in a real war. Think of it as chess, just fifty times more complex and fifty times more strategy required.
PIRANHA2 said:
...what is advance wars anyway? im guessing its an RPG?
RPG? HAH! That's the FARTHEST from correct you can possibly get! Anyway, it's one of the best strategy games to ever hit the shelves. It's turn-based, and slightly unrealistic, but most of the stuff in the game could be done in a real war. Think of it as chess, just fifty times more complex and fifty times more strategy required.
You also forgot 50 times as fun, 50 times less nerdy and 50 times less boring.

PIKMIN042 said:
PIRANHA2 said:
...what is advance wars anyway? im guessing its an RPG?
RPG? HAH! That's the FARTHEST from correct you can possibly get! Anyway, it's one of the best strategy games to ever hit the shelves. It's turn-based, and slightly unrealistic, but most of the stuff in the game could be done in a real war. Think of it as chess, just fifty times more complex and fifty times more strategy required.
You also forgot 50 times as fun, 50 times less nerdy and 50 times less boring.

I don't know about the 50 times less nerdy, but it's about 500 times more fun, and 500 times less boring. (heh heh, same thing)
PIKMIN042 said:
PIRANHA2 said:
...what is advance wars anyway? im guessing its an RPG?
RPG? HAH! That's the FARTHEST from correct you can possibly get! Anyway, it's one of the best strategy games to ever hit the shelves. It's turn-based, and slightly unrealistic, but most of the stuff in the game could be done in a real war. Think of it as chess, just fifty times more complex and fifty times more strategy required.
You also forgot 50 times as fun, 50 times less nerdy and 50 times less boring.

I don't know about the 50 times less nerdy, but it's about 500 times more fun, and 500 times less boring. (heh heh, same thing)
I aws thinking more along the lines of a Chess Club...