i know a lot of people have issues with their resident services being too close to the airport, and when i chose this map, i had that in mind. however, i didn't realize how incredibly close it is to the beach, only a few spaces away. wondering if anyone has a map similar to this or if anyone has any ideas on how i can work with that area? i don't have terraforming unlocked yet, but wanted to put this out there in anticipation c: please excuse the potato quality of the photo, i took it with my phone lol
p.s. i am not planning on resetting so i want to make it work! i'm just super uncreative ;-;
You could terraform cliffs/elevate the land on the top right, and make a neat and natural path that will connect to those cliffs on your top left area. It would also be like a nice and natural wall that blocks off the beach from your resident area.
And since you will elevate that area, the start of the river will be up high, and then it will exit the east most side river with a waterfall off the high ground/natural wall.
Just an idea though. I really like your layout btw, think it’s unique and you will be able to make it how you like it!
Luckily with terraforming you can essentially customize your river later on if that presents a problem. I quite like the idea mentioned above where you can have some elevated land on the right side of your RE building, and have pathings / bridges to connect to your north areas.
From your airport you could have pathing that either leads nearly straight to your RE, or branch off a bit to the RE building. That combined with a blocked off section of the beach, you'll hardly notice how close it is to your RE imo
this is how my map is currently laid out. i have trees/bushes on the left and right sides with a little rest area and diy area on either side of the entrance to the plaza at the bottom. then just some paths leading to bridges connecting to a little shopping area. hope that helps at all, i'm sure you'll come up with something great! you can do a lot with little space in this game.
It sounds odd, but I kind of like the idea of it being a lifeguard sort of hub. Put some chairs there overlooking the beach, some beach towels/fishing rods below on the sand. There's a lot of possibilities there.