If Campsite Had A Bulletin Board


Gomen Ne...
Aug 20, 2014
I wish there was one so you could write on a friend's wheh you go to their campsite!

What are your thoughts? Do you think it is a good or bad idea or if Nintendo would actually go through with it?
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That would be cool. There have been so many helpful people, I'd love to be able to write something nice to them. But I don't think Nintendo will do that since strangers can visit your campsite too.
That would be cool. There have been so many helpful people, I'd love to be able to write something nice to them. But I don't think Nintendo will do that since strangers can visit your campsite too.

Nintendo can make the bulletin available to anyone who visits the campsite but have a censor so nothing bad is written, or have a report option to be able to report a bulletin post or a person.
Bad, and it's not going to happen.

As much as I'd love to believe in the good in the world, the bad always manifests itself in nasty and downgrading messages.
True, there's always precautions that can deter or punish people who use it to be mean, but they're usually pretty cumbersome so it's easier to just not allow it at all. Some of Nintendo's censoring is pretty weird for animal crossing and seems a bit overboard. Some of the banned words for New Leaf seem pretty innocuous.
As much as I'd love to believe in the good in the world, the bad always manifests itself in nasty and downgrading messages.

Well said. And censors don't help with this, since they may catch a word here and there but the ugly message remains. One of the things I love about AC:pC is no verbal communication among players.

Another issue would be translating messages in a variety of languages. It's possible with the Google Translate app, but cumbersome.
Well said. And censors don't help with this, since they may catch a word here and there but the ugly message remains. One of the things I love about AC:pC is no verbal communication among players.

Another issue would be translating messages in a variety of languages. It's possible with the Google Translate app, but cumbersome.

That is true about translations. It makes me wonder what type of people play PC. It's a really innocent game. I don't see those who play
AC just to annoy or badmouth others playing a game like that where you can't ruin someone else's game.
I don't see those who play
AC just to annoy or badmouth others playing a game like that where you can't ruin someone else's game.

Generally I do agree with you. But it only takes one to ruin your day or even your game, you know? And my cynicism plus my experience tells me there's at least a few of those around.
That would be awesome! It's a great idea! And they could put the notices on there too. If they'd add the bird on top I would definitely check those more often.
I think if they did put one in it should have pre-written messages like 'hello' 'thanks for the butterflies/bats' etc otherwise like everyone else said it can be used to send bad messages
I've never played any of the other Animal Crossing games, and I'm tempted to say this would be great! I'd like to be able to leave cute messages for other players to brighten their day, and would love to receive those myself. But then again, I'm wary of all the nasty things that might get said just because it's (relatively) anonymous.
It's true that there are many people who would abuse a feature like this.

How about a list of 'message buttons' that people can select from a small menu after tapping the sign or bulletin board? These messages would say things like: 'thanks so much for all the help', 'your campsite looks awesome!', 'your market box saved me!', and only positive things like that.

Whenever I visit a friends campsite (whether it's to check out their campsite/camper or to shop in their market box), I always give kudos (even when there is no reward) in hopes of that translating to 'thank you, and I love what you did here!'.
I think there needs to be something at ur own campsite you can write on espaically during gardening events to let ppl know what u need...but I don't think everyone being able to write on everyone elses is a good idea..I hoping they put in a gifting system or a letter system like new leaf...
I like the kudos thing but I feel like some people do it so you'll add them back. I'd looove a message board so I could send funny or encouraging messages to friends! :p
It's true that there are many people who would abuse a feature like this.

How about a list of 'message buttons' that people can select from a small menu after tapping the sign or bulletin board? These messages would say things like: 'thanks so much for all the help', 'your campsite looks awesome!', 'your market box saved me!', and only positive things like that.

Whenever I visit a friends campsite (whether it's to check out their campsite/camper or to shop in their market box), I always give kudos (even when there is no reward) in hopes of that translating to 'thank you, and I love what you did here!'.

I like that idea. Sometimes I give kudos to say thanks for helping during the gardening event, or because I bought stuff from their market box. But I also give kudos when I really like their campsite, or just to say hi. Pre set messages would be good to distinguish between the different uses, but wouldn't really leave room for negativity.
While most animal crossing players seem to be really nice and friendly, this is a free to play mobile game with a wider player base, some of whom might be jerks.
I think it would be cute, but maybe have it so only people you are friends with can leave messages :) that would deter a lot of random spam posts/etc.
I think if they just limited it to your friends being able to leave messages then it would probably be fine.
It’s a good idea but it’ll probably never happen. Also voice chat and text chat is available in so many mobile kids games. It’s not a big deal. Sure there’s immature people out there but we shouldn’t fear the option to communicate.