If you ask two villagers to move in on the same day, does only one move in?


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2013
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I traded for both Genji & Static today. My second town had 2 spots open so I asked them both to move in at once and they both accepted. I time travelled forward, but only Genji moved in. I thought maybe Static would move in later so I TT'd forward again, but Blaire moved in instead. D: Is Static lost completely now?
Static is unfortunately lost. You can only ask one to move in per day. I found this out when I tried to do the same, I lost Gala :<
i would think the 2nd villager would move in later like a queue thing? but i might be wrong sadly

if im wrong im sorry
On the bright side though, if you find him up for grabs again you can just ask him to move in again, you won't have to wait for the 16-villager cycle.

EDIT: RE; Tsundere's comment, they won't move in. I asked Gala to move in and then Monique and Monique moved in and Gala has yet to move in, it's been a month lol.
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I just realized I had set my 3DS time back to get it to the right day so I ended up losing Kabuki, too. I'm a freaking idiot.

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On the bright side though, if you find him up for grabs again you can just ask him to move in again, you won't have to wait for the 16-villager cycle.

EDIT: RE; Tsundere's comment, they won't move in. I asked Gala to move in and then Monique and Monique moved in and Gala has yet to move in, it's been a month lol.

Well that's a bit better I guess, but still pretty upset I lost them ;n; Oh well, nothing I can do. Thank you for your help.
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