If you caught a Coelacanth would you...

deffinately donate... i donate everything the first time i get it so that way i can have a cool museum, it bugs me when i go to someones town and then they dont have anything in their museum
Donate to increase chance of catching more. Then always sell. I hate when my villagers approach me after I catch something pricey and they ask to trade for a shirt or some other crap.
Show it off in house, museum is too big, and everyone would see the ceolecanth when you first walked into your house.
Kpspen said:
cityfolkman09 said:
i sold mine and now i realize how much i miss it so donate
Why u sell it. Fruit equals as much as ceolecanth if u collect enough.
yeah thats true but u would spend the whole day collecting enough of that fruit unless its foreign if that is wat u r talking about
how much do coelanths sell for? srry if i spelled it wrong

EDIT: nvm i found that they sell for 15,000 in my guide
bootleg it, then all of the above