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If you could change anything about your town, what would it be?


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Sautéed Mushrooms
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
If you could change anything about your town (or mayor appearance), what would it be and why?

  • I would have triangles on the grass, and stars on the snow. So much prettier than my circles or squares!
  • I would have a shorter river so it takes up less space, and it wouldn't make the strips of land by the railroad so thin and useless
  • A wider beach (mine is really thin so it's hard to do anything there :()
  • Have the event plaza out of the way. Where it's located in my town makes all the space around it unusable since there isn't enough space to put PWPs or houses :(

I'd love to hear what you guys would like to change ^_^ Or is yours already the perfect town? :O
I'd kind of like a river that splits my town in two horizontally. I feel like that gives more space to work with and makes for a nice divide in the town. I really hate my rocks though, I don't think I have that many but their placement is really inconvenient. I have two in front of my station and one in front of my town hall, I'd kill to have them in a different location or gone entirely. Circle grass would be nice for the stars in the snow but I'd only worry about that if I was working on a winter themed town, which I think I want to do at some point.

I think I want to change more about my mayor than my town though.
I'm my main town Vista, it would be the placement of the police station..WHAT WAS I THINKING!

But it doesn't bother me alot like it use to though.
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I'd get rid of at least 2 of the 4 ponds I have. When I was landscaping they were a pain in the ass, even though I've managed to work around them. I'd also change the location of my campground, because it has appeared between Rolf and Cube's houses and I don't like it.
I'd move Savanna shes' right in front of my town hall. I don't want her to move out, because I kind of like her, but...It might have to happen.
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I would get rid of the campsite in my Joy town.

I would line up my villagers a little better in my Sunshine town.

I would also get rid of all the rocks.

That's pretty much it.
i'd just scoot hamphrey over so he's on the island with all but two of the residents in ferdous. the fact that he's not somewhere overlooking the ocean kind of grates me.
I have one rock I'd really like to move because it's right in the middle of my path. I can live with the rest of them.

I also would reposition my campsite. I put it right behind retail because it's out of the way but i can't really landscape around it. :(
I have two rocks right in front of the train station. It's the only area I really dislike in my town.
1. Remove the rock and pond in front of the train station. It was in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my towns. My dreams of a pretty entrance are destroyed.
2. Change square grass to circle grass. This doesn't bother me that much though. I guess I just like the way it looks in winter (star pattern).
3. Move the cafe so it's in my little peninsula. I like the cafe overlooking the sea but it's more convenient there. Kinda annoying because I originally wanted it that way but Isabelle didn't let me build a bridge where I wanted it so the path would have looked cut off. Glad they fixed this in the update.
There's not much I would change since I really love my town, but I'd move the rock I have in front of the train station, and another rock that is directly behind a villagers house. I'd also rearrange some permanent house plots (my mayor's and Julian's).
I would change the campsite and police station placements they're placed in such stupid spots now
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The overall landscaping sucks but that's something I can change. Something I want to change but can't is the location of the Caf?. For some reason I thought it'd make sense to plant it in the middle of everything. Now it takes up an unnecessary amount of room and is annoying.
I just want to move forward Tangy's house by one tile so it's in line with another villagers house. OCD, my goodness.