If You Could Have Anything In The World What Would You Have?

pootman1234 said:
Wrong Thread. >_<

But if I had to choose, it'd be True Love
Me too
.. Moment of silence ....
:'( :'( :'(
:gyroiddance: :gyroidsideways: :gyroidsideways:
If this is AC: Every single non-hacked bell that the whole of TBT owns in AC:LGTTC
Real life: Love is superior...
In Accf: A Sonic based town and some sonic DCL =]
IRL: A watch that i say my wish to and i get it :) I could just live on the streets and still live :)
If you mean in AC then I want the ability to put whatever I want in the game, and do whatever I want.

But in real life I would want to be able ot ask a question and know thte answer to it.
in AC: a DLC lightsaber(that is not hacked and stuff to make online play better, and 25 money trees

In real life for the girl i love not to thank of me just as a friend