If you could make your own series/set...

sparkles!! all the furniture would have the same twinkling effect as watered flowers and covered in sequins!
How about an actual red series instead of just some WALLPAPER,FLOORING, AND A CHAIR?

Besides that, a yellow series, and maybe an Artist Series? Like, a table that's a color palette, the lamp is a paintbrush... If we get more to work with it;d be cool.
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Medieval set would be pretty cool(depends on what medieval country).
I'd like to see more Antique series(sure you can put all music box, fossil models and paintings but I still prefer series for variety).
Not really a set idea on its own, but I've been trying to decorate my kitchen and it's just really lacking in options. I wish there were at least more colors and styles for the kitchen island instead of just the steel/white one - I'd really like a darker one.
Town set! c:

Model of the town hall, Emporium, Museum, re-tail etc

(House, police station, cafe)
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The Tea party series, All Items will be based off stuff you'd see in a Tea parlor


The Sweet Tooth series, all items are based off candy and other sweet confections​
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Expand on kitchen and bathroom furniture.

Like a pile of towels or something Idk

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I would create a sports set with everything related to sports. A bed with a blanket over it that has images of basketball, football, etc.
some kind of.. fast food set

like a hamburger table and some kind of french fry wallpaper or something
A set that related to the country you live in. E.g, I'd you were in North America, you'd get a set based on what's there, if you were in Australia you'd get a set related to there, ect.
Or a "customizable" set where you could change everything on it.
*typical college pride moment* I'd create a customizable set based on what college you go to c: other than that, rainbows, unicorns, kittens, something like that c:
To be honest, I'm surprised steampunk hasn't been added in yet.

It wouldn't surprise me if they added in a music themed room. Furniture designed like music notes, etc.
potato series

a grandma series would be really sweet ;v;
like a little knitting basket
cute little rocking chair
a customizable fireplace
RUGS!! that you can put things on
a cute cat on a pillow (i know there's qr codes for this but its not the same as 3d ;3;)
a steaming bowl o soup
nice cute brown wood kitchen set hhhh so qt pls
cute little caNOPY BED PLS