If you have any superpower, what would it be?

Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
It's an age old question. So, what power would you have? I would have the ability to morph into any animal.

or the ability to use someone else's superpowers, so then I could swap around.
to turn into anything!!!!!!! and obviously back to my normal self..........
Time Manipulation

Easily. I'd love the ability to go back in time and fix the bad events of the past (even though these events define who we are). I'd love to pause time, speed it up, slow it down and visit the future. 'Nuff said.
Does "the power to have all powers" count?

Anyway, to have mastered all that is Psychic
Psionic Manipulation/Psychokinesis, which is effectively all mental/Psychic abilities but are limited by your stamina so it wouldn't be too overpowered (Especially since I'm lazy and have a relatively low stamina), my favourite abilities which are included in this are: Teleportation, Flight, Telepathy, Hypnosis and Tactile Telekinesis. :) Late for college? I could teleport there. Forget my homework? Hypnotise the teacher in to think he/she set no homework. Get mugged on the street? Tactile Telekinesis has your back. What more could you ask for? (Except for Enhanced stamina.)
I would be Bull**** man.

Basically I would have the ability to fly and immediately know when someone was talking bull****. I would fly around and when I heard someone talking bull**** I would burst in, Phoenix Wright call out and shout "BULL****!"

^Idea origin - Karl Pilkington