Pokémon If You Were a Gym Leader


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
If you were a gym leader, what would it be like? What type would you have, and what kind of puzzles would your gym contain?

First of all, my gym would be fire-type, taking a lot of its design and themes from Chandelure, my favorite Pok?mon. It would be late game, around level 41 at least, since that is the earliest a Chandelure can evolve. The opening room would be relatively empty, but with a giant chandelier in the middle. In the next room, you are introduced to the gym's puzzle. Your character must carry a torch, and they only have a limited number of movements before the torch goes out. You are able to reach the door to the next room if you are smart about it, but there are obstacles designed to impede your path. Once the torch goes out, the room becomes a lot more difficult to navigate and you will be attacked by gym trainers. These trainers would use Litwick and other unevolved fire-types. For the final puzzle, you have to carry a torch to the door leading to me, which is locked and must be burned down by the torch's flame. Why can't you just use your fire-type starter to burn it down? Well you're being closely watched by a bunch of gym trainers, and they wouldn't take kindly to you just cheating on their puzzle... Once you have burned it down, you must fight one last gym trainer who uses a Lampent before going on to fight me.

My team:

I like Torkoal, and it would make for a fairly easy start to a gym battle. The main challenge would be to get past its defenses, but fire has 3 weaknesses to common attacking types, so this likely won't be too difficult. Its main move would be Will-O-Wisp, making its defense even harder to break.

I think a lot of people honestly forget Heatmor exists, so perhaps including it on my team could give it a little more exposure. It would serve as a counter to fire's weaknesses. I do not think someone as powerful as a gym leader could be swept away by a single type so easily, even if it is strong against them. It would use Low Kick against rock-types, and Slash to take care of most other threats.

Probably wouldn't be particularly effective, which would be a nice break from the other, more powerful threats.

Would carry Energy Ball, which counters all 3 of Fire's weaknesses. Shadow Ball would be super-effective against other Ghost types. Its only real weakness would be Dark-types, which would have to contend with a STAB Flamethrower. While it is certainly not invincible, it would probably require some thought to defeat.

This fight's main lesson would be that even if your Pok?mon is weak to one type, it is still capable of working around that limitation. The intention here is to teach players to use coverage moves in order to help negate their Pok?mon's limitations. The TM I give would be dependent on the player's starter, and it would be super effective against the starter type it is weak to (Water starters would get Ice Beam for example). The other 2 TMs could just be bought at the store, so you're not missing out by picking a certain starter.
I can't get too detailed from lack of experience, but I know I'd be a ghost type trainer!
I would be a dark type Gym Leader.

My team would be:

- Incineraor
- Honchkrow
- Bisharp
- Sableye / Mega Sableye

The team is based on Pokemon I really like. My gym would be dark and kinda spooky (but not so much that you get confused with a ghost type gym) and you have to solve three riddles and fight against 3 other Pokemon trainers before the "big fight".
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I would have a ghost type gym!

i know my highest level would be banette! my gym would have a maze, almost completely dark, except for a few candles that help you find your way. every wrong turn drops you down to fight a trainer, but after the battle, you resume on the correct path!
I'd love to have a grass gym, since most of my favorite Pokemon are grass types ^^

I'd use,,
- Cherrim
- Venusaur
- Decidueye
- Roserade

And have my gym similar to Ramos's (since I think it's really pretty)
i would have a fairy type gym, no surprise there.

i would prob be the 4th or 5th gym you challenge

my team would be:

Sylveon lv 41

Togekiss lv 36

Azumarill lv 37
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While it isn't my favorite type (water ftw), I'd do a rock type gym with a twist: every Pokemon would be a fossil of some sort. While there wouldn't be any puzzles, the entire gym theme would have a prehistoric look. After trainers had successfully explored the area, they would face my team of:

Upon defeating me, they would receive an Old Amber.
I would have a dragon type gym! The puzzle would be painting certain shapes on a wall. If it matches the shape 90 percent or higher, you'd battle a gym trainer and move onto the next room. The four shapes would be the tree Kanto starters, plus a Pok?ball. My Pok?mon would be Goodra, Drampa, Noivern, and Kingdra.
I know this might sound strange, but I wouldn't mind having a normal type gym sorta similar to Whitney's gym in the Johto region. I might have Eevee as my main too and probably be a low level since I have Eevee. My other Pokemon would be like Skitty, Buneary, and Teddiursa. They would be well trained for the most part and provide a little challenge having a few strong moves.
I’m going to deviate from my favorite type and say my gym would be a poison type gym. I would be around the fifth or sixth gym leader to face and my team’s levels would be around 38-41. My gym would feature a walkway maze with a twist: if you take the wrong path you would step on a panel that would send out poison darts from both walls, hitting you and thereby badly poisoning all Pokemon in your party. The gym would also feature torches that light the way once you choose the correct path and purple vines lining the walls. The goal of the gym would be to choose the correct paths to take so that your team doesn’t get poisoned, with there being four trainers spread throughout the gym ready to battle you at each checkpoint. My team would consist of four Pokemon which would be:


Roserade would be a counter to people who think they can beat my gym with the advantage of ground types. Roserade would carry moves such as Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf, and Venoshock. Shadow Ball would be for countering psychic types, whereas Magical Leaf would be STAB and a counter for enthusiastic ground-type users looking to get through my gym quickly. The high critical hit ratio for Magical Leaf could be devastating too if a challenger lets it go on for too long. Venoshock would be carried by all of my Pokemon and would be the first move used if the challenger hasn’t healed their party’s status condition from the maze in the gym, making clever use of the gym’s twist for double the damage in the gym battle.


Toxapex would be the second Pokemon I send out and would be a counter to enthusiastic fire-type users who do well against my Roserade. Toxapex would be the defensive staple of the team, with high defenses and carrying moves such as Baneful Banker, Recover, Venoshock, and Scald. Toxapex’s goal for being on my team would be to try to make the challenger weary by constantly defending and healing, with the occasional Venoshock and Scald being used at the appropriate times.

Alolan Muk

Alolan Muk would be my physical attacker, carrying powerful moves such as Gunk Shot, Knock Off, and Disable to get rid of any powerful, pesky moves or items the challenger’s party might be using.


Naganadel would be the last Pokemon I send out, being the leader of my team. Its moveset would be Dragon Pulse, Venoshock, Flamethrower, and Dark Pulse. Dragon Pulse would be the STAB move used against most opponents, Venoshock would be there, once again, to take advantage of the gym’s twist, Flamethrower would be there for countering ice types, and Dark Pulse would be there to counter psychic types and for trying to make the opposing Pokemon flinch.

The fight’s main lesson would be to encourage Pokemon trainers to work on maintaining their team’s endurance during a gym challenge, with the main part of the gym and my team defeating opponents quickly who don’t learn this lesson. For beating the gym the opposing challenger would receive the Dart Badge, which would be shaped in the form of a poisonous dart like the gym’s walls contain and colored purple. The opposing challenger would also receive the TM Venoshock for beating me.

Thank you for making a thread like this. I always love these types of questions. :)
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I'd be a water type gym leader for sure (wow who could tell from my username that I stole from a water type gym leader). I'm not entirely sure what the gym would look like...
I'd probably be the 6th or 7th gym, near the end but not the last one. My team would be:
I'd be a water type gym leader for sure (wow who could tell from my username that I stole from a water type gym leader). I'm not entirely sure what the gym would look like...
I'd probably be the 6th or 7th gym, near the end but not the last one. My team would be:

Why not all ZELDA type POK?MON?
I always thought I would have a psychic gym. But now I wouldn't mind being a poison gym leader~And my gym will focus on teaching how certain items on pokemon are useful, along with what certain moves can do when you have a certain item. Example: poison orb flung at your opponent will cause them to be poisoned. Then a pokemon with venom drench can lower more stats when the pokemon is poisoned.

I'm not too sure on the style of the gym but it would be cool if the trainers had to move through swamp like water that caused them to be slow and either the current of the water moves them to a gym trainer or the gym trainers just keep their eyes out for them since they're too slow to avoid eye contact.
Gym Trainers could have pokemon like: Trubbish, Tentacruel, Whirlipede and/or Mareanie.

My pokemon will be:
Saladit (Male)
And my main Seviper~

Would probably be the sixth gym due to Toxicroak evolution level.