If you were allowed to own any animal, which would you choose?

A fox would be amazing, hehe
Fox, pygmy goat, maybe a chipmunk? Not sure.
Excluding normal pets (cats are my favourite animal and I’ve always owned them), I’d say either a deer or a fox!
A crow. I would choose a female one and would call her Penelope, named after the crow that
appeared in that one Laurel and Hardy movie.
A Tasmanian devil, provided it’s still young and not overly aggressive or anything. It has been one of my favorite animals growing up since I learned about them. :)
I'd love to own a koala or a sloth. It's illegal to own a koala as a pet anywhere in the world, but apparently sloths can be kept as exotic pets in some places. Maybe one day. c;
I would definitely pick a tree frog. I tried to convince my family to let me get one last year but they were against having bugs in the house to feed it. Oh well :p
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If reality is a limit, an adelie penguin. If not, I would have an Eevee.
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If I could own any animal, no limits, I would own them all! Including the mythical ones like unicorns and dragons and such.

But I would really love to own a shark. I know some people do, but I'm not rich enough and hate the idea of keeping it in a tank.
White tiger...Or an Otter. An Otter would be nice.

Reality off the table, a Shinx, Houndour or a Gatomon.