Hi there! I can get you the following items for free (because they're orderable) ^^ :
afternoon-tea set
alarm clock
alpine bed
alpine dresser
alpine low table
alpine shelf
alpine sofa
alpine wall
arcade machine
aroma pot
aurora screen
azalea bonsai
baby bear
black rain boots
blossom lantern
large alpine table
giant teddy bear
I will charge 1 TBT for the following items ^^ :
milk carton
metal-and-wood table
metal-and-wood chair
kiddie meal
ivy partition
hanging chair
desktop TV
cutting-board set
cup of tea
burger meal
bread-making set
book stands
Alternatively, I can let you visit the RV's where you can get the above items (those that I will charge you 1 TBT for), which will allow you to get those items for free. ^^ You'll just have to let me know which items you'll be getting yourself if you choose this option.
Please like this post if you're interested and let me know which option you'd like, if you want. Thank you ~