Ignore this thread!


Dawn of a New Day
Jun 19, 2014
Yellow Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
White Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Yellow Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
EDIT: Ignore this thread, since there has already been one that has been posted prior!!

Sanrio Amiibo coming in March!

What do you guys think? Will you be trying to get them? And what do you think this means for other amiibo-exclusive characters?
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About time! And yes, I will for sure be getting a pack. Since we get all six cards in one pack without possibility of duplication I think it’s a great deal. Also, I’m learning from my past mistakes where I wait out too long for these amiibo cards to be completely sold out and people selling them for 10 times costs on second hand markets.
About time! And yes, I will for sure be getting a pack. Since we get all six cards in one pack without possibility of duplication I think it’s a great deal. Also, I’m learning from my past mistakes where I wait out too long for these amiibo cards to be completely sold out and selling for 10 times costs on second hand markets.

Yeah, I originally thought they were apart of special edition WA prints or something, but seeing that all 6 are guaranteed in each pack, there's no way I'm NOT getting it!
I never heard of that but I can try get it if I can for my first Animal Crossing Amiibo Collection (Isabelle is my technically first Animal Crossing Amiibo for Smash Bros)...
i hope this means they're rereleasing them in the uk as i lost most of mine somehow ! also i hope this means a comeback of the sanrio villagers and furniture in new horizons. marty is one of my favourites and i'd love to have him on my island