I'll be gone for a while.

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
I won't be visiting TBT at all in the next few months with Halo 3 and Blue dragon (which I'm getting today) I'll be limited with free time.

I also am drowning in homework and am a little stressed with my English teacher and my physics class which is basically all seniors.

I just can't find the time to really be on here for 30 minutes and still keep up with football (Especially now with everything that is going on with my team, The Falcons.)

I also got my Nintendo Power yesterday and I didn't bother reading most of it. I am not that interested in the games they present. (I was also pissed at the perfect score for MP3.)

OXM in my opinion is such a better magazine and I enjoy it when it comes into the mail. I feel like I can get the most honest and best video game news from a magazine with OXM.
Yeah...I sorta know whatcha' mean when it comes to homework. Things are getting insane in that area for me too. >.<

But, yeah, hope you can find time to return soon.
Gengar said:
Yeah...I sorta know whatcha' mean when it comes to homework. Things are getting insane in that area for me too. >.<

But, yeah, hope you can find time to return soon.
I don't mind it. I just hate that it counts for a grade. I failed History last year for nor turning in two homework assignments. (I got As and a few Bs on all my tests and quizzes.
Propaganda Man said:
Gengar said:
Yeah...I sorta know whatcha' mean when it comes to homework. Things are getting insane in that area for me too. >.<

But, yeah, hope you can find time to return soon.
I don't mind it. I just hate that it counts for a grade. I failed History last year for nor turning in two homework assignments. (I got As and a few Bs on all my tests and quizzes.
Not to mention it takes a big chunk of time out of your home-life. >.>
YogurtBandit said:
Do you have Xbox live? Whats your gtag?

Sad to see you leaving.
When I read the first line I was wondering if you read my posts. When I read the second I was wondering if you read at all.

Let me explain this before I get warned. I have said in several posts that I do not have online gaming. I want it but can't have it for reasons I'm not going to discuss right now.

I said in my post that I'm busy and will be in and out.
Yea, I'll be not very active after smash camp, I'm already not being on TBT for more than 10 mins cause of school.
Meh do what you have to


I honestly have trouble getting down to do homework... I have to move myself out of the room and to a place in a different school building somewhere where I don't get disturbed at all... otherwise I get into pointless conversations with people....