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I'll review your dream town c: ~*~


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
~*~ Dream town review service ~*~

Hiya! I'm Jasmine and for a few days I wanted to do a dream town review service, where you give me your dream address, I look around and then I will give you an in depth and honest review on all aspects of your town, including the insides of houses.

If you want me to review your town, post your dream code below and let me know if there's anything about your town I should know (favourite areas to check out, rooms to look in, places to ignore ect) before entering and I will post the review on this thread.

PS- If you want me to privately message you the review, simply ask and I will do that :)
My town's not the greatest I started it two months ago, But I'd like some advice and honest opinions about it so far! I'm excited to hear what you have to say! ^.^

DC: 5500-3086-9449
Yes please :) search meldon and player name Matt ;)
My dream address is in my signature and I would love a review of what I can do differently. I love the southern part of my town where I have my rainbow flowers and am working on providing more variety throughout my town. My mayor (Rei) also has a great house but don't know what works and what doesn't. Not too found of my alt character Otaku but she is just there to hold some rarer items.
I'll just finish off a few things, then I'll give you my dream address :3
I would love to know what you think about my town; 6100-2320-3048
It's not finished as you will be able to tell, around the plaza is a total mess so please ignore that if you visit. All of my houses are incomplete but the main one that's pretty crappy right now is Ange's house so if you want to ignore that one then feel free. c;
Aceilikecookies -

First impressions - Lovely layout with a long beach and and nice placement of PWPs. The path is really pretty!
Villagers - You have a really nice variety of villagers, including some old favourites (Dora)
House - The exterior decoration is nice and matches well.
Main room - I love the use of matching customised rococco furniture, not sure about the bin though.
Right room - A cute kitchen with the fundamental basics. I would love to see this expanded with some extras - a table and chairs maybe? I've never seen this wall and floor in a kitchen before but I actually really liked it! Very rustic.
Upstairs - Bit of ice furniture and a TV. Not really much to say.
Landscaping - Your cut out standees and signs are so adorable! I particularly loved the 'Welcome to Bliss' sign. Really gave me some inspiration! I'd like to see more bushes lining the paths. You have a very impressive variety of hybrids but maybe arrange some areas of flowers better. Despite this, there were flowers lining paths around the town that I thought looked really nice. Lots of different fruit trees, it's great to see variety. Overall, you have nice PWP placement and flowers but both areas could be developed more. Your path is layed out really well and was beautiful. It seems like you've made pretty much every hybrid flower I can think of! I'd love to come back in the future because I see big things for Bliss c:

Rating: 8/10
Would I come back?: Yes!

Screenshots: Here's a couple of screenshots that I took in your town!

That would be awesome! Be as harsh as possible. To the left of my pyramid & sphinx is my hybrid storage area so I know that's messy.
Edit: Oh and I don't bother with the Elliott house, that's my boyfriend's place and he never plays.
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To everyone else: I have taken note of your towns and I will be updating this thread as much as I am able, it's nighttime right now for me so I will start doing more tomorrow morning. Thanks for your patience c:
I'd love if you would review my Dream Town!

My house is mostly themed like an actual home. The room on the left is my utility room, on the right is my bathroom, the back is the kitchen/dining room, the main room is the living area, and finally the upstairs is my room. The only room that doesn't fit into that category is my basement, which I wanted to have more fun with. c:
As for my extra characters homes, you don't have to look through them because I'm still working on them, but if you want to feel free to look through them.

As for my town, there's still some areas I need to touch up, and the very north-eastern corner is being used for hybrids right now?but will soon be turned into a garden area with the topiaries from weeding day.
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Do you mean a dream town review service? If you wish to, then that's fine. I can only do this for a few days anyway. You're completely welcome to.
Yes, and thanks ^w^
Aww thanks! I appreciate it that you went to check it out and your advice will really help! ^.^
I'd like for you to review my town! Address is in my signature and I'll update it in a minute! It would mean a lot to me since I'm considering resetting :)

First impressions: The trees and bushes lining the plaza were nice. Beautiful carnations! Lots of candy, hm...

Landscaping: My oh my! The paths were absolute fantastic! The train line was brilliantly done especially with the use of PWPs to enhance the effect. The use of bushes and flowers were just lovely. What a great town to walk around in, I honestly enjoyed myself so much! You did have a few random items strewn about which did take a tiny bit away from the glory. You have a great town layout though and you used the space very well. I think you could add more around the town hall. You have a LOT of PWPs which made the town so interesting to look around in. Overall, the town was landscaped beautifully and is definitely one to remember, I just suggest restraining from dropping objects everywhere. You could use a mule character for storage!

Main room- The customised harvest set looked really nice, and the cafe music was so soothing. Quite a few sweet trinkets which I think added personality. The whole room looked great.
Back room- All gold furniture! Very impressive. I didn't expect that. Well done :)
Left room-This room seems to be some kind of cafe/711 type thing with a lot of rare furniture. I see a lot of room for improvement here, it could be tidied up. For example you could add some music, and the giant cake was quite confusing to see there.
Right room- A beach! I've never seen a beach room as good as this one before, honestly. There was some pirate themed furniture and I love how it was all centered around the middle with the chair. Great room. I'm sure you could add music and it wouldn't do any harm.
Upstairs - We have Jingle furniture, not much to say about that.
Basement - Now I did NOT expect that. At all. I thought it'd just be storage but nope. We have a full on chess war in here! Brilliant, unique. Never seen it before.

Villagers - Nice villagers. Couple of sheep? I think. Anyway, they're nice. I used to have Bonbon too.

Rating: 9/10
Would I come back?: Definitely! Without a doubt!
Jennifer -
First impressions: First of all, your town name makes me want to restart and steal it because it's just amazing. I seriously want it. Now, onto the town. The first thing I see is an adorable water pattern around the tree with DUCKS. Ducks! So cute. Some nice bushes, and a magnificent pink path absolutely loaded with pink flowers. It's a good thing I love pink.

Landscaping: Your paths are done so so well and they are truly lovely. A wonderful bunch of flowers everywhere. All the patterns used in your town (paths, signs, town flag) were so cute. I lovelovelove the use of PWPs in your town. Everything fits so beautifully, it's like a magical dream.

Emi- I could see a kind of sea/fish theme in the main room. Definitely could be organised a bit better. The right room is more of a garden. I'm guessing this house is used for storage? Or maybe you're just a bit untidy hehe. Upstairs was cute! It was like heaven. Downstairs was like an awesome aquarium. I loved the use of the lights here. Good idea.

Sir- The outside of this house looked really grand. The inside lived up to expectations! I see gorgeous furniture in the main room, reminding me of a kind of casino or gentleman's club. Very fancy, I love it. The back room is clearly a school room. It is nicely done and I liked the attention to detail (things on their desks ect) The right room is an arcade, I'm pretty sure. Nintendo and game furniture, it's nice but could be tidied up. The left room seems to be a children's playroom. With the aika doll D: Actually, it's a toy shop isn't it! Yes, I see the cash register and cute mannequin. Very nice. Oh my god. Your rooms are brilliant! I smiled when I went downstairs. It's a concert! Just brilliant. I applaud you. Upstairs we have a Sherlock Holmes situation. I am lost for words. Your interior decorating is just top notch.

Seamstry- The main room has a Japanese kind of theme with the music and furniture. I've seen a lot of these. The right room appears to be a hospital. At first I thought library but then I passed the bookcase. Honestly, your use of space is just so well done. Back room is a nice church. I feel this could be adorned better with some colours incorporated. Flowers and plants maybe? It just seemed a bit bland. The left room was like a restaurant with the street outside shown too. What can I say! You just inspire me with every room. This is very original. I'm running out of positive adjectives, can you tell? Downstairs is a sweet garden thing. Upstairs was like an autumn garden/stargazing thing. Pretty.

Jennifer- And now for this giant palace. The main room- absolutely gorgeous. Your character is adorable too! All the pink...I just love it. I love it too much for words. We have a cute pink kitchen on the left. Like I said before, no words. Not sure about the back room, was it storage? Or just a lot of cute things packed into one space. Downstairs is a mermaid paradise. Wow. And upstairs was similar to the main room, with basic furniture and a lot of pink c:

Villagers - I am jealous of every single one of your villagers.

Rating: 10/10
Would I come back?: Most definitely.
If you have some time and motivation left, I would really appreciate some feedback on my town. :) It's more or less finished by now and I love it, but I wonder how visitors might perceive it. I haven't shared my dream code a lot, so I sadly only had 7 dream visitors until now.

My code is 7300-2177-8149. Thank you so much :)