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I'm a loner, are you?

are you a loner?

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I have friends and I pretty much constantly need to be aroubd people or I get really lonely really fast. I like downtime, of course, so I can read, watch anime, write stories, play games, etc but I need friends and people or I freak out.
i don't mind being alone but i don't think i'm a loner. i'm fine communicating with people even if i'm not totally outgoing and i have a really good group of friends. lately because of my work schedule i've been unable to see as many people as i like and that's been kinda hard.
Kind of. I love my alone time and I'm not the type of person to reach out to other people I don't know but I have some close friends that are really fun to hang out with.
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I wouldn't say I'm a loner but I'm rather introverted. I have a small handful of friends I actually hang out with and would go out with, and if I get invited somewhere by a different group of people, even if I'm friendly with them, I typically turn down the offer. of course it depends on my perspective on their potential to become actual friends, but typically if we don't have too much in common, I don't really put in the energy to build a relationship. I definitely don't mind being alone and it takes a while for me to feel lonely to the point of needing my friends' company. even then, just a few hours is good enough for me.
I dont have a bf so I feel like a loner sometimes but I am really not because I have amazing friends who I love to pieces
I dont have a bf so I feel like a loner sometimes but I am really not because I have amazing friends who I love to pieces

Same <3
Though I don't feel like a loner without a bf
Sometimes I feel like a loner because I choose to be. I often go off doing my own thing but hey, I am content with it. Company is always great (depending on the person) but sometimes I gotta be alone
LMAO i thought it said "im a boner, are you"

but yes i am a loner ;-;
i've got a small group of good friends, but i rarely go out and all that. i'd probably be considered a hermit a few years ago, but i wouldn't really consider myself a loner anymore.
No friends online, no friends in real life. Complete definition of loner. I'd honestly be a ****ing wreck if I didn't have my boyfriend. Sometimes I try to make new friends online, but I can't help but withdraw from them completely. Literally almsot every friendship I ever had failed due to lack of effort on my part.
No friends online, no friends in real life. Complete definition of loner. I'd honestly be a ****ing wreck if I didn't have my boyfriend. Sometimes I try to make new friends online, but I can't help but withdraw from them completely. Literally almsot every friendship I ever had failed due to lack of effort on my part.

lmao SAME, like 99% of the time
Not really, no. Outside of school and whatnot I only really talk to people through Facebook, Tumblr and email as meeting up is just an inconvenience to my busy schedule of not a lot.
I barely have any online friends, but I have a few good friends irl.
I prefer being alone most of the time though
Pretty much. I have had social anxiety for years and had trouble communicating people, to the point of them harrassing me about it. Most people go out of their way to try to aggrivate me. I am trying to improve but it's hard when people mock and me for it. I also hate it when my family doesn't realize how hard I struggle with it, except my sister of course.
i have phases of being a loner i hate being alone sometimes but other times im ok
I've been a loner before and it's honestly fine if you get over the awkwardness and the social anxiety.