On Indefinite Hiatus
As part of my new 'just play and have fun' strategy. I am actually reading my villager's dialogue, something I used to never do, just mashing the A button until they shut up. But now I'm actually taking the time to read the dialogue and I have to say, I've been missing out, sure it's redundant at times but these villagers are hilarious and ridiculous.
Like just now, I was in a conversation with Lyman and Cherry about writing a new song, and one of the options I was given was something about mortgage rates. And Cherry was not amused by my choice and said the band needs to break up.
Oh I can't. I just can't. I'm laughing so hard right now. I've definitely been missing out.
Like just now, I was in a conversation with Lyman and Cherry about writing a new song, and one of the options I was given was something about mortgage rates. And Cherry was not amused by my choice and said the band needs to break up.
Oh I can't. I just can't. I'm laughing so hard right now. I've definitely been missing out.