Im at school!


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
Yes, I vanished again, stupid black holes, wormholes, potholes. Being lost in space is not fun people, not fun at all. Anyhow, might as well spill the story, so to speak. Summer's here, and I have nothing but time. Yes, I play RS a lot, but I thought, it does get a little boring after a while. I though that I would come back here to TBT, since it is a nice, small forum. This would be a lot easier to manage than NSider. So, hopefully, I'll be here for the next 3 months and so forth. PLus, I've been playing AC a lot. I just re-did my house!
wow... your back


thats unusual


now all we need is pkmnrules then we will have a full sage box


yes, RS DOES get annoying... especially after you get full rune then your buddy looses it in a duel :|
I'm not... >_>

Again, this should've gone in off-topic... That's where I put a thread like this before.

I think Storm wants you to edit your post at the ACAC.
I liked a parody on Star Wars that ended in a Mentos Commercial thing where Qui-Gon-Jinn and Obi-Wan are friends with Darth Maul and they do a bunch of stuff. At the end when they are all smiling, Qui-Gon cuts off his head.
people make some funny ones... i saw one where 2 15 year olds are playing pokemon in the garage, the one trys to steal all the cards, he starts running off, then the other kid eats a mentos and pulls out a sniper rifle, then he shoots him. its great

Welcome back again, and I hope that you stay longer this time.
Don't worry, I will. I have 3 months, plus I do need something to do besides playing RS all day. Skills get tiring to raise after a while, even if you are a lv. 71 that is in the Hero's Guild.
Welcome back.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................again
BASTOISE99 said:
Welcome back.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................again
Gah! Screen-stretch!

*dives for cover*