I'm back

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
And man am I glad to be back. It's not that I hated Italy; it's that I hate looking at old buildings and art. The food was great and the plane rides were wonderful. I finished my book Stone of Tears which was great and am halfway through Blood of the Fold right now.

I saw the Colosseum and it was gigantic. You could only do two things there so it wasn't worth the wait for everyone else. (You can look at the seconded floor and the first. Thats it.) Others had to wait in line for hours. We had to only for less than a minute because we cut probably over 500 people.

Now don't get me wrong we already had tickets...they didn't.

But what I really want to talk about is France. I don't like France. Its people can be okay but the ones at the airport are not. On my way back home I had to stand in a line for over an hour. (This was just one of the five security checkpoints they gave) We were lucky because after us the line really built up.

The French airport also didn't build a terminal right so we had to walk to the plane which took a long time.

Did I mention there were these rectangular head line cutters! They just pushed people aside trying to get off the plane, on the plane, and through security.

My hatred of France reminded me of my statement of that if Lucas won Rock Star Supernova I would forgive Canada. And I do. I be going up there next week for Niagara falls by sleeper train.

But be warned Canada. To stab someone in the back you need to get close first.

One last thing. I forgot how much I love America. My dad, who was born in Australia and travels across the world (and I mean everywhere) tells me this but I never really took it in until I landed in New York. Lets leave Frogger on the game boy people.
Sounds like you hate French airports more than you hate France itself.

:p I'd hate to see you survive in Heathrow; Britain's position makes it pretty much the busiest air hub in the world.

From my travels, as limited as they are, I've generally come to the conclusion that as far as the Western world is concerned, every country is more or less the same and has the same stuff... there are only a few superficial differences.

Yeah, Americas the best place until we get blown up again by psychos.
Nah, too many Christians.
KatzMotel said:
Sounds like you hate French airports more than you hate France itself.

:p I'd hate to see you survive in Heathrow; Britain's position makes it pretty much the busiest air hub in the world.

From my travels, as limited as they are, I've generally come to the conclusion that as far as the Western world is concerned, every country is more or less the same and has the same stuff... there are only a few superficial differences.

Yeah, Americas the best place until we get blown up again by psychos.
Nah, too many Christians.
Um, Muslims want to bomb us so they can get 70 virgins, which is what they belive.
I don't think this was meant to be a "Flame-the-Muslims" thread...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your trip other than the French airports.

I dear hope you do forgive us.