I'm creating a fourm

Advertise a lot, get your friends at other forums to join, don't start off with a lot of boards, and don't be discouraged if it just doesn't work out. Forums like NF, TBT, TNZ, and N-Coming were very very very very very very very *100 years later* very very very lucky to be successes.

DSFAN121 said:
Advertise a lot, get your friends at other forums to join, don't start off with a lot of boards, and don't be discouraged if it just doesn't work out. Forums like NF, TBT, TNZ, and N-Coming were very very very very very very very *100 years later* very very very lucky to be successes.

All mine suck...
Nobody likes 'em.
By me

Top Sites

Tops sites are sites that advertise your forum. The forums that have the highest rank get more clicks. Now an example of a top site buttons is You would get those from different sites (use a search engine to find them) post them on your forum and tell members to click on them once a day. This is good for the long run. You get a wide variety of members. My forum actualy got members from Germany from the one above.

Search Engines

Ahh yes the advertising on the search engine before I go on not this will cost money.

Okay now if you are still interested you maybe fimmalar with the sites to the right when you search on gogole, those are paid adds, to get one search google awards on gogole and it wil give you all the info you need.

NOTE it has been reported hat they do not help that much


This is a little thing I made up but I am sure I am not the first. Like many other members they like to see other forums, what to improve on thiers they some times look at review forums and see what it is compared to thiers. Boom they click on your link in your review and now if he likes it he will be a member. While all this is happening over and over you get great advice on how to make it better so more would join!

Advertising on Forums

I don't think I need to explain much here anyways...a popular way to advertise your forum is to go on forums and advertise it. What you do is go around and don't sign up until you see on with it. If you do post a lot for a couple of days. If you just get the add up as soon as you can poeple won't join as likely if you were an "active member".

Looking Active

Looking active is the key to getting members to join over time and time again. There are many ways to do so.

~New Topics~
If you are like me, you hate making new topics, so on the forums that I run, I don't, because of that the forums lacked posts. I went to a forum who had over 100,000 posts and the admins made many topics(mostly spam....) a day! If you can do that (but spam free) then posts will come easy!

Keeping members active is huge in looking active...which makes sense. And there is no better feeling than knowing you did better than some one else! Or having fun. Which ever the member likes if you keep up contests from time and time again members will stay.

~Hold back on the Staff~
In most eyes there is nothing more noobish than making everyone staff. I personally hate it. Not only that but when you make everyone staff, the staff will be bored and leave. Which makes your forum even more inactive.

If you did have a lot of members, but the forum is dead, email them back, tons will be coming and some will stay and post.


Putting adds in sigs is quite helpful, poeple see them, and people click. And if they like the forum they will join! This also spreads the word out.


Give your forum time, advertising all these ways works for the long run, but for the short run relax and enjoy the small forum while you still have it.
I just wanted to mention, that my forum is my me and all the kids at my school to arrange times to play video games together, like AC:WW and Quake 3, and MKDS and stuff, sorry if it caused any confusion. also, do you guys know of anyone who hosts a good forum for free, because my friends and I have kinda of a tight budget for internet expenses.

P.S. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.
InvisionFree is better then most paid forums such as IBP which costs 1000 dollars a month. I make skins for invisionfree btw

Also, if you make an admin, don't put them in the root admin group, make a new one. If you do put them in it, then they can edit your account and delete the board

Also, if you make an admin, don't put them in the root admin group, make a new one. If you do put them in it, then they can edit your account and delete the board

They cannot edit the real root admins account, but they CAN delete the board.
Bulerias said:
Also, if you make an admin, don't put them in the root admin group, make a new one. If you do put them in it, then they can edit your account and delete the board

They cannot edit the real root admins account, but they CAN delete the board.
k, thanks a bunch for all the help, it is helping a whole lot with building my board, and also I was going to make my other three close friends admins on the board, so thanks for warning me.
I emailed all my members back. (My forum is dead) I need more members to hold contests. I normally advertise in my sigs.
DSFAN121 said:
Advertise a lot, get your friends at other forums to join, don't start off with a lot of boards, and don't be discouraged if it just doesn't work out. Forums like NF, TBT, TNZ, and N-Coming were very very very very very very very *100 years later* very very very lucky to be successes.

And the NCAG. It is successful too.
I made a foum once and thought it would be cool to have my own but then I thought 'Forget this, I don't want pressures of being a admin.'. That is, being the head admin. Being a MOD is better for me. Another reason I made on on Invsion was to stop copy-catters from using my name and saying I built it.

Kolvo said:
I made a foum once and thought it would be cool to have my own but then I thought 'Forget this, I don't want pressures of being a admin.'. That is, being the head admin. Being a MOD is better for me. Another reason I made on on Invsion was to stop copy-catters from using my name and saying I built it.

Being the admin is awesome to me. I'm great at leading so it's perfect for me.
:eek: Some people can, some people can't (like me). I just think I'll erase the whole board by accident. I perfer Moderater than Admin.
Of course everyone likes admin..... its the highest group. I just think I'd do a bad job at it.