I'm growing weary... (the spider crab)

Have you caught the spider crab yet?

  • Yep!

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • Not yet...

    Votes: 24 31.2%
  • I don't time travel or live in the southern hemisphere.

    Votes: 27 35.1%

  • Total voters


Freshly Delivered Something Or Other
May 24, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Cherry (Fruit)
I've been searching for days, but I haven't found a single spider crab. I've only been getting sea cucumbers and octopuses... I'm hunting in the southern hemisphere during September, but still no dice. I've also been searching in different time frames, including the recommended time (4am-9pm).

What gives? How have you guys found your spider crab, and are there any tips that could help me expedite the process?

Is the spider crab the rarest of the seafood? I'm in northern hemisphere so I haven't seen it yet.

I believe so! But I don't doubt that you haven't seen it yet, since it only comes out in the northern hemisphere between March and April. 😥
I’ve caught a whole bunch of them! They are kinda rare though (which is sad because I absolutely love them and want a crab rave (Q(n )Q )
Dang :/. I’m sorry to hear that. @Hobowire was really cool and let me come to his island to dive multiple times (he even tted to a month they’re available which was extremely nice of him. The first time I went there, I only found one. I spent over an hour and found mostly Dungeness crabs (or whatever they’re called) and the sea cucumbers of course. I wanted those crabs too, so that didn’t bother me too much. The second time I found two almost right away, but lost them because my game went into sleep mode when I had to go for dinner ><. I later found two more but, took me an hour or more to find them. What i did was dive when i saw the shadow and if the shadow didn’t move or if it was tiny or medium, I ignored it. Certain bubbles will indicate kinda if it is a creature that moves or stays still like a lot of successive bubbles in one spot. While the ones that come up fast but are more spaced out, are ones that will move. Also, keep an eye on the floor for the dust to move. The spider crab moves extremely fast and is a larger shadow.

I hope that helps a little; if not, sorry ><. I really hope you find that crab soon and more than one since they are great decorations :).
I don't time travel...so, I'm patiently waiting till winter.

I expect it to be like the other rare sea creatures though. There have definitely been some that took me ages to find.
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There were three of us in the water looking for one for awhile yesterday and didn’t get a single one
I'm a SH island and on the first day, I caught more snow crabs than the spider crab.

Crab bubbles look like there's two sea critters in one shadow. That's the best way I can describe it.
Yea that’s exactly how I’d describe it. It’s weird though because i always remembered the other super fast large bubble trails in the NH looked like the stationary large bubble trails...
Also just to match with your u/n, they are a big chungus, lol. They take up four squares.


They are a bit terrifying when you yank them outta the ocean.
Or hilarious! To be completely honest I broke out into laughter the first time I saw my character pull one of those guys up!
they are a large fast shadow, so if you swim up to the bubbles and it doesnt take off its not the crab. I pretty much dived and swam toward it and if i was sure i was about to catch up to the shadow moved on, cause u have to corner or trick it to catch it, just chasing it won;t work. also is a rare spawn i think but just odd, some nights i couldnt find any, another night i found 3 in an hour.
Found it twice. Also, I think I managed to discover a method to catch the faster creatures without having to swing around like crazy for minutes.
I'm also in the southern hemisphere. I just caught one a week or so ago after much struggle chasing after it. I hate the darn things, but I'm happy I caught it.

It took me a couple of hours non-stop swimming up and down. Tedious, but worth it for the museum. XD
I’ve caught two and the first one took forever cause I wasn’t swimming fast enough. But they are so creepy once you get them and your character pulls it out to show you. I wanted to see what it looked like on the sand and had a heart attack haha
We did it, boys! We finally achieved the unachievable!


(I think it had to do with looking for it on my own island. I don't know if you guys had the same problem, but the crab just didn't spawn for me on islands I visited--only on my own island. This is the opposite in New Leaf, where I found the crab in someone else's town.)
We did it, boys! We finally achieved the unachievable!

View attachment 342448

(I think it had to do with looking for it on my own island. I don't know if you guys had the same problem, but the crab just didn't spawn for me on islands I visited--only on my own island. This is the opposite in New Leaf, where I found the crab in someone else's town.)
🎉 🎉 Yay Congratulations 🎉 🎉