Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm Mistress Raven and I'm also a user from AXA and also a former user from Ushi No Tane forums (RavenMist in AXA without space and Raven Mist in Ushi with space! xD), but they call me Raven since I prefer it that way. I'm into anime/manga, Harvest Moon, Pok?mon and RP'ing.
Lucky for you we have all of those things here.
Except the RP board is kinda closed currently. Welcome to the forums. I used to browse the Ushi No Tane forums, never joined though.
Welcome to the TBT!
I love Pokemon, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing.
I hope you will enjoy your time on the forums.
I also hope you will stay and that we can become friends.