I'm new :)


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2014
Hi everyone!

I'm new to animal crossing and love it :)

My town is eldorado and I'd love to visit some new towns

Caity x
Hi Caity :D

I'm about to go offline, but I would love to visit and have you visit tomorrow. Can you think of the top 10 items you wish you had to make building your town easier/more fun/etc? Or furniture that you like :D I'll see if I can round some stuff up. Welcome to the forum!
Oh you don't need to bring anything :)

I would love to visit and get signatures for my scamper to victory petition though!

Thank you :) xx
Oh you don't need to bring anything :)

I would love to visit and get signatures for my scamper to victory petition though!

Thank you :) xx
If you still need sigs then you can get them here. :D And are you sure, I know I don't have to bring anything, but I love helping people, I have been helped so much on this forum.