I'm pretty new! ouo


Jul 11, 2013
Ohai guys! I've joined earlier, but I haven't made an introductory topic, so here's mine! ouo
Info about me.... I'm pretty much a Nintendo gamer, xD. I have alot of Pokemon, A few Kirby, alot of Mario, All ACs but CF, and I could go on, xD. Oh, and about myself...
Im generally a calm person, and I hesitate sometimes to put out my own opinion. Im pretty kind and generous also, but enough of describing myself, xD.
I think I'll be pretty active on the forums, since I found my few hours here fun, xD.

Oh, and here's the previous introductory topic:http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?73630-Introducing-myself!-u&p=1425061#post1425061
Its not like I know them, but I hate it whenever people make an introductory topic RIGHT after yours. It happened to me on the Marilland forums, and only ONE person welcome me. And it was a member. Not even a moderator, ono.

Anyways, I hope to see you guys soon! ouo

Fun Fact: Pokechu stands for Pokemon Pikachu/Pichu/Raichu!
Welcome to The Bell Tree! I'm loving this Pikachu vibe we've got going on over here. Makes me want to go change my avatar just to be cool like you guys. D: